[@Wraithblade6] Alucard smiles, as a wall of ice forms in front of Mithias, forcing him to cut his way through it. Even as this occurred, the fully enraged Bob raises both hands, as it began raining flaming ewoks. Each of the ewoks exploded upon impact, and seemed to hone in on Alucard's position, leaving large craters in the ground. Alucard simply froze them, or sliced them to pieces with a projected Jigen Tou. Every now and then he punches one aside, shattering them with the shockwaves of his blows. However, this did give Bob the opening he required to fire what appeared to be a beam consisting of spiraling rainbows. As the beam struck, Alucard's body became petrified. It started around the point of impact, and then rapidly spread across his skin. Moments later, however, he simply bursts from his stone prison, skin regrowing, face rebuilding itself. he had ripped his inner body apart from his skin, limiting the effects of the petrification to an outer layer of rock. Alucard formed his arm into a cannon, even as he began producing mass from nothing. Using his powers applied with immense precision he started off what appeared to be nuclear fission, firing a concentrated blast of nuclear energy at Bob, A bright white flash and a flame that engulfed everything in front of him. And yet Bob seemed to turn it to flowers, which instantly burnt to a crisp under the influence of Alucard's aura of flames. Powerful attacks were traded one by one, Alucard enduring, Bob negating, both throwing ever increasingly ridiculous explosions in each other's direction, making even approaching them a severe health hazard. However, Bob was at an obvious disadvantage, forced to protect his daughter from each blast, unable to dodge incoming attacks. It was clear he had tried to teleport her away, but Alucard simply projected the dimensional lock he had used to shatter the Jigen Tou before. This was not a fight Bob could win, and if there was no intervention, Bob would undoubtedly be forced to face defeat.