[center][b]Name:[/b] Lance Halverson/Hatter [b]Age :[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [hider=Appearance][img] http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2012/226/3/1/red_queen__s_mad_hatter_by_gi10-d5b1v5v.jpg [/img] [hider=outfit][img] http://cdna.tid.al/1ccc4323e68db56cf2609e0dce55d4dd9ff59595_600.jpg [/img][/hider][/hider] [b]Adaptation:[/b] Lance has the mental ability to make anyone think, see and do anything he wants. The limit of his ability is currently unknown to the scientists because they can only remember having a glorious tea party with him. The true limits to his powers, however, are how long he can keep a clear mind while controlling someone. The longer he controls them the more and more his mind becomes clouded with nonsensical thoughts and insane ideas of dark twisted fantasy. [b]Song:[/b] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFwQOmOyr8g[/url] [b]Bio:[/b] As a boy Lance loved to read story books and began to read chapter books fairly early compared to others around him. He seemed to excel in two areas of school writing and art, but this was not to last unfortunately. By his early tweens Lance was able to get his hand on a book and read, this book was Luis Carol’s Alice In Wonderland. He became fascinated with the twisted world that Luis Carol had created, and fixated on one part of the book in particular: The Hatter. The mental state of the Hatter intrigued young Lance, and this was his great undoing. Lance did a lot of reading on the Hatter finding him titled The Mad Hatter for many reasons, and even went as far as reading the comics for the character. His parent became worried as they watched their son become obsessed with a character that, at time, was completely insane and so admitted him to the asylum where he now resides. This change though was not for the better as Lance had managed to smuggle in a few of his comics and both of Luis Carol’s books to read again and again over the years. Between the mental strain from testing and being cast away by his parents Lance slowly forgot who he was and became who he read… Tha Mad Hatter. [b]Personality:[/b] Lance is calm, collected and generally an out going kind of guy, if not overly friendly, but Lance has a sever anger management problem that, nine times out of ten, ends in violence. He does what he can to control it, but when he falls into his Hatter state of mind there is almost no telling what he will do. [b]Number:[/b] 4[/center]