Name: Christopher Freidrich Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: [img][/img] Adaptation: Being blind, all his other senses have been heightened to the point where he can 'see', though not with his eyes. One of his senses, hearing, is acute, to the point where he can hear heartbeats. Song: [url][/url] Why am I amazing? Bio: His childhood is seldom spoken about, though, his upbringing was horrendous. His parents had abused and mistreated him,though he always hid this through his 'bright' smiles, not one would expect his parents frequent mistreating of Christopher due to their facade. Outside of home wasn't any better, he was bullied by his peers due to the bruises around his arms and was ostracized his whole school life. One incident in particular, had gone so far that he had lost his sight, Christopher always avoided the subject when asked about it. The parents, after finding their son, blinded, and almost half dead, they decided to pawn him off the local mental asylum because they did not want to pay for his medical bills under the pretense of 'insanity'. Beaten, Half-dead and battered, Christopher never really tried to oppose their claims, he just accepted what he thought was inexorable. His body trying to compensate for his blindness, had made his other senses more 'sharp'. Years after the asylum, the frequent 'experimentation' had heightened his other senses to a greater degree, he could hear sounds he couldn't before, people, cars, everything. It had taken him a few years to 'phase' out the noise. Personality: With the mask on, he is gentle and soft spoken, opting to stay out of conversations and just 'listen'. He appears confident and brave with his mask. His sanity is relatively 'good' as compared to his fellow inmates, well atleast he'd like to think. Under the mask, he is insecure, has low self esteem and no confidence. Number: 4