[CENTER][h3][color=lime]This RP is now closed to further interest. - If you ask if we are open, you clearly have not read this.[/color][/h3] [h2][COLOR=#99ccff]The Lucenrai Chronicles: The Fallen Kingdom[/COLOR][/h2] [IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/2ef6xqq.jpg[/IMG][/center] Lucenrai, a world with lush summers, and harsh winters, the kingdoms of man have made their claim. Lucenrai is a large continental landmass, and one of the only two known continents in the world, flanked by several smaller islands and landmasses. The heart of the continent consists of an expanse of plains, hills, and lightly forested grasslands. To the north are an expanse of tall mountains and tundra, covered in harsh everwinter forests. West of the heartland is Mediterranean and warm. Down to the south, the land gets considerably wetter, and has large stretches of thick forests, and marshy wetlands. Towards the east, the plains become harsh, turning into a craggy, rocky region which then opens up to a large, harsh desert. Across the ocean nearest the western coast, are small chains of tropical islands, these islands are the buffer zone to the continent of Reyen, a lush frontier land, filled with forests and natural resources waiting to be exploited. For years, the realms of man have lived in relative harmony. This harmony has not always been peaceful, small wars breaking out between the different kingdoms, but there was balance, order. To the North is the Kingdom of Ardel, a hardy and proud people, used to harsh weather and hardtimes. In the Heartlands, the ever constant ally of Ardel is the Kingdom of Edessa. With its fair lands, large mines, and central location, Edessa is both prosperous and diverse and is a generally peaceful nation. To the West is a large mercantile Varyan Empire, famed for their massive trade power and wealth, as well as its access to the rich islands and resources of the new world. To the south, in the great forests is the Kingdom of the Welds. Colloquially known as the Kingdom of the Wilds, the Welds have been rivals of the Edessa for centuries. To the east is no kingdom of man, rather hundreds of clans of nomads and raiders. Lucenrai is now in a state of turmoil. The Welds, longtime enemies of Edessa have suddenly turned to the kingdom for help, desperately requesting aid against a sudden surge of marauding Orcs. Alongside the influx of Weld refugees, Orcish bands have appeared in South Edessa and have begun pillaging the countryside. To make matters worse, the Varyan Empire has launched a massive invasion of Edessa, seemingly taking advantage of the chaos created by the orcs. With an army armed and armored with the wealth of the mercantile empire and the resources from Reyen, the Varyan Empire has easily swept across the Edessa countryside. On the brink of defeat, the forces of Edessa have been forced back to its Capital city and the nearby lands. With little hope of victory, Edessa decides to send its refugees- its youth and future, to the north, to seek refuge within the Kingdom of Ardel. In the dark of night, caravans from Edessa are sent northbound, with nothing but a scant few guards, mercenaries and older teens to protect them while the remaining soldiers of Edessa prepare to hold the Empire at bay. [hr] [h3][COLOR=#99ccff]Plot[/COLOR][/h3] This RP will revolve around one of the final caravans to leave the capital city of Edessa. A ragtag group of old soldiers, grungy mercenaries, youths and children, we will struggle to survive in the wilderness as we flee from the dastardly forces of the Varyan Empire. Along the way we will be beset by hardship and adversity as we make our way through the war torn countryside of Edessa and into the harsh wilderness of Ardel. At times, our story will be light hearted, at other times, it will be dramatic and tense as we attempt to prevail over insurmountable odds. Our characters will face daunting challenges, testing their wit and willpower, as well as their morals as they are pushed to their absolute limits in this struggle for survival. This is: "The Lucenrai Chronicles: The Fallen Kingdom" [h3][COLOR=#add8e6]Rules[/color][/h3] [b][COLOR=#add8e6]1.[/COLOR][/B] This Roleplay will have higher standards when compared to most Casual RP's, I will be expecting at least a few, well written paragraphs, and absolutely NO ONE LINERS. [B][COLOR=#add8e6]2.[/COLOR][/B] Be sensible and polite in the OOC. Any arguments should be either taken off to private messages, or brought to my attention to resolve. [B][COLOR=#add8e6]3.[/COLOR][/B] No Mary/Gary Sues. Your characters are the story's heroes, but they are not perfect. [B][COLOR=#add8e6]4.[/COLOR][/B] No God-Moding. Your characters are important, but I will not hesitate to injure them if they do something exceedingly stupid. Note, as GM, I reserve the right to God-mod however I like, with the purpose of advancing the plot, or steering it in a specific direction. [B][COLOR=#add8e6]5.[/COLOR][/B] This will have blood and violence, and foul language is freely allowed, though for the sake of decency, any sexually graphic acts will fade to black (or will be taken to PM) before it goes too far. [COLOR=#add8e6][B]6.[/B][/COLOR] Player knowledge is not character knowledge. Just because you know something (be it through OOC or another person's post, does not necessarily mean that your character knows. [B][COLOR=#add8e6]7.[/COLOR][/B] As GM, my word is law. This does not mean I will be unreasonable, nor will it mean I will be unfair, but I will expect you to respect my executive decisions. [h3][COLOR=#add8e6]Technology and Magic[/COLOR][/h3] Pretty standard Fantasy fare, technology is your typical swords, spears and shields. Steel plates, chainmail, and leather make up the backbone of defensive technology in the world, however fantasy alloys and other materials will also be present: [b]Adamantium[/b], recognized by its high density and brown/bronzed color is extremely durable and strong, but heavy. [b]Varyan Steel[/b] is a high quality steel produced exclusively in Varya. Overall superior to normal steel. [b]Mithril [/b]is lighter than steel, but just as strong, and conducts magical energies easily. [b]Ironwood [/b]is a dark gray wood, thick and as tough as iron, hence its name. Magic is also as you'd expect, magical bolts of varying elements cast through willpower and concentration- though not all possess the talent for magic.​