[i][b][color=ed145b]The Prodigal Sage of Kirkwall - Gerald Capet[/color][/b][/i] [img]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c317/WKirkwood/France.gif[/img] [color=0054a6]Name:[/color] Gerald Capet [color=0054a6]Species:[/color] Human [color=0054a6]Age:[/color] 22 [color=0054a6]Gender:[/color] Male [color=0054a6]Class:[/color] Mage [color=0054a6]Appearance:[/color] Gerald has a thin but not frail build that reflects his time of study and shelter in the Kirkwall Circle of Magi. He has very little muscle having only gained such from his long walk back to Fereldan after the Kirkwall Incident. He has pasty white skin with very little color and dark grey eyes. His hair is blonde and is short cut but almost straw like in how it looks. He has a thin nose and is about the size of the average human male. He gives off a very nonthreatening presence due to his appearance however at will that can change as he can use his pure raw magical might to frighten most people with ease due to his training while visiting his family in Fereldan showing him how to project himself like a noble. [color=0054a6]Curriculum Vitae:[/color] [color=0054a6]Specializations[/color]: [url=http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Spirit_Healer_(Dragon_Age_II)]Spirit Healer[/url] [url=http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Primal_spells_(Origins)]Primal[/url] [url=http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Entropy_spells_(Origins)]Entropy[/url] [url=http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Creation_spells_(Origins)]Creation[/url] [color=0054a6]Notable Traits[/color]: Extremely potent magi (he can cast powerful spells and he can cast a lot of smaller spells) Very talented in elemental spells mainly the fire Branch Very capable of learning quickly in regards to the magical arts Can adapt well in the middle of a battle Mentally strong (isn't easily seduced by spirits and people trying to break him). [color=0054a6]Flaws:[/color] Extremely poor stealth skills Average to poor levels of physical strength Untrained in physical weapons (bows, melee, weapons, shields, etc) Lacks charisma and leadership capabilities (meaning he can't lead anything smaller than a handful of people) Lacks armor training (meaning he doesn't move as well if in armor which piles on top of his already poor maneuverability) Has rather poor flexibility (movement wise) [color=0054a6]Skills[/color]: Arcane Bolt Arcane Shield Staff Focus Flame Blast Flaming Weapons Fireball Winter Grasp Lightning Shock Disorient Glyph of Paralysis Heal Group Heal Mind Blast [color=0054a6]Biography: [/color] [hider=My Hider] Born in Kirkwall to the Noble House of Capet he was born to a family that needed an heir direly in Kirkwall. As first born he was to be heir to their house but there was a catch...he was born with an incredible magical power. His father Devon Capet was reluctant to give him up due to his own nightmares about his son's futures both in his sleep and in the political scene he kept this hidden from the Knight Commander. His mother agreed to go along with this and they chose to keep their son in their house with the family butler Alfred at all times except on rare occasions when they needed him to leave. His parents were extremely cautious with their young son and as such they had Alfred study spirits and other arcane things in order to help their son. Alfred comforted young Gerald as he grew up early in life with dreams of spirits of valor showing themselves to Gerald in his dreams as a young lad, and when he'd wake up in a panic at night through nightmares where pride demons tried to coax the young lad into letting them into him. Gerald came to view spirits as black and white and they were either good or evil as his father Devon told him. As he grew older he began to show more tangible signs of power when he nearly burned the clothes off his father in one incident and froze his pencils by mistake. His family took a apostate into the household in order to teach young Gerald about his powers only for it to lead to an incident where in the market where he confused an older Templar by using his magic for being a jerk to Alfred. The Templars went to his father and demanded to him that they release Gerald into their custody. His father reluctantly accepted and he went to the circle of magi with the man who'd later allow him to escape Kirkwall Harris Mackley. When he first entered the circle he was unsure and hesitant to talk to others but he soon gained many friends as he found peers who shared his powers. He also grew to hate elves as a certain group of mages taunted him for being a 'blue blooded craven' and taunted him constantly. As he started his new journey in the circle he passed his Harrowing after two years in the circle with minimal ease due to his past experience with spirits. His time in the circle was spent learning under Orsino's left hand Victor Stark, a human man born in the Free Marches who was sent to this circle due to the lack of teachers in Kirkwall. Under Victor's strict tutoring Gerald learned how to use his affinity for fire magic to quickly become a formidable mage of note in Kirkwall. He also slowly grew to have a distaste for the Knight Commander who was clamping down on mages ever more over the years. He grew to respect a few of the people who held him captive and understand why they were there exactly as he lost a friend to a harrowing when he turned into an abomination despite Gerald's warnings to the contrary. Having lost his friend he vowed he'd do better to warn people about the dangers of spirits and demons himself and began to tutor younger mages to their relief. It was not until the Blight started however that his life would change drastically. When people started to flood into Kirkwall the templars stationed there became more controlling over the mages causing some to chafe under their tightening collars and due to a surge in blood mages and apostates running around the island they became even more paranoid. Gerald on the other hand simply continued to teach the students who asked for help and those who were struggling with studies when he was informed that he had a new baby brother who was not a mage. He was mixed about this news and in the end chose to ignore it as it dealt about politics no longer of interest to him. He also ended up with a surge of new mages from Fereldan who were forced into his circle leading to more packed quarters and more people to deal with which stressed his mentor Victor. As the Qunari arrived things simply became that much worse as the templars and politicians grew more and more restless as with the surge in apostates, blood mages, Carta, and qunari deserters. Though he had few interactions with the Qunari he found them disgusting creatures as they served through the Qun which essentially made them all of one mind. No individuality among them and all of them served without question. Those who didn't became bandits who ravaged the coast. What good was being grouped together if there was no chance to diverge and evolve? Gerald gave little trouble to the templars due to his own fears of them cracking down on mages became more and more true. The mages who feared the templars only drove them to tighten the noose around them and caused scuffles between them. Orsino sought out Victor's council more and more leaving Gerald to tend to his own duties. However he had increasingly been visited by various spirits in the fade while sleeping who taught him many things including how to heal others. Gerald took this knowledge in hand but refused to use it primarily because he didn't trust spirits after the harrowing and his own nightmares with demons and on the side because he didn't want to be strung up like some sort of abomination. As his fame in the circle grew he met with the Grey Wardens who considered him for recruitment but were denied by Victor's objections and Gerald's own polite rejections. It was on the eve of the night when the poor quarter of Kirkwall was attacked by a mad elf the solidified the distrust between him and elves. Gerald already found them repulsive due to their pride and their insistence that the Dalish were better but now an elven mad woman had poisoned the whole part of a city. Anger welled up inside of him but thanks to his mentor he managed to calm himself down but he refused to take any more elven students. It was during the time that his dad managed to get approval by the viscount to visit his son in the circle. The two managed to get along well enough after a long time apart. He also met his younger brother Calvin for the first time. The two didn't interact much but Gerald was glad to have met him. After some time the Qunari suddenly snapped and attacked the city. Gerald was off trying to find a lost mage when he was attacked practically out of the blue by the qunari. He used his superior magical talents to simply kill off the small group of them with ease. After this he fled back to the circle where he found a group of young mages injured outside of the circle and on the brink of being slaughtered by the qunari. Disgust welled up inside of him and he slew a few more of them before forcing the others to flee. Seeing his friends dying he had no choice as he reluctantly called upon the spirits he had met in the fade and used their power to heal the wounds of the group as best as he could. After that he and his friend Harris used forced the qunari attacking them to back off. Harris was ushered off to the circle with the youngest of the mages with them and Gerald finished off the rest using a combination of funneling them through an alley, and paralysis glyphs followed up with fire magic to kill the remaining mages. He found out later that his younger brother was accidentally killed in the incident. Following the event he took no part in the mage-templar conspiracy despite requests to do so in Kirkwall viewing them as petty and only making the already horrific situation worse. He was sickened by the knight commander but understood her reasoning and he viewed Orsino as a fool by not making drastic measures to stop it from coming to the current state. It was on the night of the annulment of the circle of Kirkwall when he was to be transferred to another circle in Orlais. A sudden outbreak in fighting occurred after a massive explosion in the middle of the city. Unsure about what was happening Harris told Gerald to get back to the circle. However his gut instinct told him that whatever was going to happen in the city was not going to end well for him. Besides the fact that he was sick of this city and all that it entailed he fled the city leaving the city to burn in the moonlight as he sailed away. Instead of going to Orlais however he fled to his uncle in Fereldan's House Capet. His uncle informed him of what happened in the city and while he didn't know Gerald he was a strong believer that family stuck together and took Gerald in. There he took refuge as a court adviser to his uncle in regards to magical affairs keeping his magical abilities secret to everyone before deciding that he was tired of court in itself and traveled the land in search of a purpose. It was when he saw and heard of the mages had rebelled that he decided that he needed to not only become stronger but found a place where mages could not be hassled by templars but still be controlled by their peers. He didn't join the Inquisition formally but he helped them on the side with slaying dark spawn and rebels. Figuring he had nothing to lose he went to Cumberland where he joined up with an odd mercenary group just recently hoping that the odd group would allow him to find a way to become stronger and keep him out of the sights of people who preyed on lone mages as he had gotten sick of all the butchery in recent history. [/hider] [color=0054a6]Player’s long term goals[/color]: Become an Archmage, Become a expert in elemental magic, become the head of a circle or found his own. [color=0054a6]Relations:[/color] [color=ed145b]House Capet of Kirkwall and Fereldan[/color], [color=fff200]Templars[/color] (he still has a few friends from his time in Kirkwall being a model mage), [color=0076a3]The former Circle of Magi[/color], [color=0076a3]The Former Circle of Kirkwall[/color]. [color=0054a6]Secrets:[/color] Spirits are unusually interested in him due to his power and though he plays it off he actually is very much aware of how much they are aware of him. Demons are attracted to him as well and try to convert them into one of them in an attempt to make a very powerful demon. He is also the heir to the Kirkwall House Capet branch.