[@ViolentViolet] Hikari Yoshiida Eclipse Dorm A few minutes prior to the young man's arrival, Hikari had begun to prepare the meat for some meatballs and decided to do some sauce after she put the meatballs in the oven to cook. She almost didn't hear Kain's knock but smiled a little when he wrapped his arms around her. She looked up and kissed his chin. "We're having spaghetti and meatballs tonight." She chuckled as she continued to knead the ingredients into the meat. She cracked another egg into the bowl after a minute and threw out the shells and yolk before resuming her mixing. Hikari checked the time and raised an eyebrow. "Don't you usually come a little later than now, Kain?" She asked. Hikari grabbed a little oregano and sprinkled a little onto the meat before continuing her kneading of the beef. She would have to start making the balls soon. The oven beeped to alert her that it was done preheating and ready for the meatballs. The young woman bring her tray closer and quickly sprayed some no stick spray on it before breaking off a small piece of meat and rolling it into a ball. "Dinner will be ready soon if you're hungry." She added now that the thought popped into her mind.