[center][img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/282/3/2/headhunter___female_dragoon_by_poibuts-d6pszp8.jpg[/img] [b]Tadia Omi-Ren[/b] [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Race:[/b] Human(Alderaan Decent) [b]Skills:[/b] Tadia is known throughout the underworld as an assassin. Though her skills don't lie in long range combatants are instead close range. Well and truly capable of infiltration of facilities (Especially those outwith the Inner Core except for the highest security bases) she is also well versed in melee combat. Including Teras Kasi, which was designed as a counter for Lightsaber Combat. How she recieved this martial arts training is unknown. However within close range she is a forced to be reckoned with. However when it comes to blaster she's just about as good as your average Imperial Trooper. [b]Equipment:[/b] Her armour is body fitting duraplast, underneath which she wears armour weave and is painted blood red. It is serrated at joins in order to give her increased flexibility. She typically carries one blaster pistol (Westar-35) near her left knee, and has a variety of vibro-weapons to chose from. However typically she'll go in fist fighting, but she has two corotis weave "Claws" on each wrist capable off deploying to go five centemetres away from her knuckle. These start near her elbow, and protrude from her armour all the way to her hand meaning that if she ever does get into a fight with a lightsaber wielding foe she can use the "front" of her arm to block a lightsaber blow. [b]History:[/b] Not a lot about her history is known. Many suspect that before she appeared on the scene as an assassin that she was in training to become one of the Emperors inquisitors, despite the fact she has never shown any ability at controlling the Force. Since then however she has made a name for herself in getting in and out of places that few others can: Stealthily and taking out targets and getting away before anyone knows what happened. Since then she has been blades for hire, however she hasn't worked on a team before so no-one really knows much about her. That's about to change [b]Note:[/b] She isn;t Force Sensitive, that's just to create some mystery as your chars may believe she is. [/center]