[b]Name:[/b] Cassius Alexandros Svent. [b]Nickname:[/b] Cas. [b]Species:[/b] Half breed, Human and Elf. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Class:[/b] Rogue/ mage hybrid. [b]Appearance:[/b] Stands at 5'11 to 6ft, hour class frame, large feet, broad shoulders, scrawny arms. Cream colored skin, hazel green eyes, shoulder length dark chocolate brown hair. Somewhat of a straight nose, beak like. Wide hips, thick thighs. As for clothes he mostly wears Blue and Black Velvet like garments that are light and easy to move in. Most of which have clashing patterns that overlap in an elegant yet messy way. [b]Specializations:[/b] Arcane Warrior, Spirit healer. [b]Notable Traits:[/b] He tends to be observant as well as quiet, has a lisp, tends to fold his arms, move his hands and body accordingly when he speaks, and usually stares blank faced. [b]Flaws:[/b] He has several minor scars on his face, to a dent in the middle of his forehead. His right fore arm has cut on it as well as the elbow. In terms of a personality flaw, he tends to take things too seriously at times, to just being snide and sarcastic. He also is tranquil in the sense of personality, but in truth he is very caring despite his sense of apathy. [b]Skills:[/b] Healing, regenerative spells, revival, because of being an arcane Warrior, he can fight with a sword effectively as well as utalize all Arcane Warrior skills. Fade step, telekinetic weapons as well as mindblast. Occasionally he will do a low blow to throwing dirt in one's eyes. Tier two Lockpicking and pickpoketing,Dispell and Evasion. Outside of combat, he also knows a bit of alchemy. He can make minor tonics provided he has the materials. [b]Biography:[/b] He was born as a slave to a family in the Imperium as he was sold off by his parents. Rather then being treated as a slave, he was treated as an apprentice on the estate he lived in, but he still witnessed jarring things that made him not feel as safe, such as torture of other hand maids of the lord of the estate. At times it would either be beheadings, to severe branding by magic, to entropy to drive others to insanity, the screams always made him feel unsafe and gave him the mentality he could be next, that they could snap on him relatively quickly. With fear being his drive to try to be proper and show no fear, he did whatever he was tasked, even if he was a failure at some relatively new task, such as forging items from materials, to being able to use major magics. He was only capable of minor magics, and his overlord took note of this. His overlord in particular and wanted to see the potential of halfbreeds, fortunately the results of his capability were better in terms of utility and flexibility. This pleased the overlord throughout the years he had trained him to do basic skills in his garden. In the gardens he had many plants to work with, wither it be in cooking, or alchemy, he learned just enough to get by. He did however enjoy cooking, this was something his overlord found amusing. "A halfbreed enjoying the arts of cooking?", it was funny for a while at how excited young Cassius was to learn how to make simple things like bread to small pastries, it was something even a bit heart warming to those around. When he cooked, he was considerate of the slaves, which raised many eyebrows on the estate. When he was inside, he enjoyed solving little puzzles from contraptions made, to disarming minor traps. It was fun to him, and amusing to see what triggers devices to what also disables them. When he was just seventeen, the Overlord of the estate left on a business trip to inquire about his next set of slaves, and to his dismay,the son of the lord watched over the estate in his absence. During this period, Cassius was sliced, bruised, and abused by the Young lord. Cassius had enough when he saw himself bleeding, to one of the maids being outright stabbed over trying to defend the teenager. Cassius put his skills and reflexes to the test, in which he killed the Lord's son, and left with several slaves. He even took one of the most expensive set of clothes for his new life, with a handful of gems, and a Saber that belonged to the house. He fled Tevinter where he'd escape to Ferelden, a land of opportunity. There, he heard legends of the land, events that he was sheltered from. It was clear to him his life was far from simply starting. To make it in life, he want to look for job opportunities. [b]Personality:[/b] He is inquisitive, snide, caring, and ultimately tranquil in terms of mental state about most things, so he is passively neutral unless the situation directly effects him. [b]Motivation:[/b]To make the most of his new life and break away from his innocence to do something with his life rather then sit down and do nothing.