[h3]Estella[/h3]Watches as Lady Lobo loses the fight to stay awake and crashes. It was interesting how chemicals worked differently with different species. While the gray skinned alien was highly susceptible to this particular gas she herself was largely unaffected. A headache was about as bad as it got which was more of an annoyance than anything. "[color=lightsalmon]Flood, I don't know what she was talking about earlier but I don't think I can take what she has to say about my people. You you ask her for me and tell me later? I'm going to stay here in case anything else happens or if Storm remembers anything.[/color]" Mentioning Storm was a slip on her part. There were enough things going on without her bringing that up. Although having multiple mindsets was something that Flood would likely understand. Rubbing her head slightly Estella turned away. [@floodtalon] [hr][h3]June[/h3]To Nicholas' question June looked up at the ceiling. This was going to be a rough start to the group. "[color=green]There is potentially one more. But we'll have to see how this turns out. Beyond that I'm not sure.[/color]" Not a moment after saying that Kalinda appeared from nowhere. Had she been following them the whole time? If so that was impressive even if her powers did lend well to stealth. What's more she was volunteering for the team. "[color=green]Really? Well... I'm not going to turn you down. But may I ask why you're so sure you want to join?[/color]" [@Eviledd1984][@Caits]