This still open? [hider=CS] [center] Appearance: [hider=Mortal] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Divine] [img][/img] [/hider] God Name: Kratos, God of Strength and Power Human Name: Franklin McDuffie Human's Age: 28 God's History: [url][/url] & [url][/url] Human's Biography: Franklin was never really strong, physically or emotionally. As a kid he was pushed around by the other kids quite easily. It only got worse as he got older. He couldn't say no to what his "friends" were goading him to do, whether it was to drink underage, or shoplift something. The only saving grace was a sharp mind that allowed him to make his way through high school. Eventually he moved to college, somehow not being caught for his crimes. In college, Franklin found that no one was there to boss him around in a campus so big. He knew freedom for a short period, until one of his old tormentors arrived and brought it all crashing down. The man, Kevin, who was a druggie and short on cash, wanted Franklin's help in an deluded attempt to get rich quick by mugging people. After the first robbery, Franklin couldn't take it anymore and called the police. Kevin found out, and managed to evade capture long enough to make his way to Franklin's apartment and beat the shit out of him. The police would find him frozen in a fetal position, and his apartment trashed. And thus there our story begins. [/center] [/hider]