This is pretty much the gist of the character I'd like to enter. [hider=Jobe] [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] Tanned white skin, blue eyes, blonde hair, he stands at six foot and has a noticeably bulky body free of fat, considered attractive in a nondescript country sort of fashion. [b]Name:[/b] Jobe Robson [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] Straight [b]Occupation:[/b] Farmhand [b]Weaponry:[/b] Iron headed Lumber-axe [b]Apparel:[/b] Grey wool-spun tunic, leather breeches, leather boots [b]Equipment:[/b] Travel pack including basic supplies and a bed-roll [b]Skills:[/b] Farming, carrying heavy objects, dealing with animals, cutting wood, basic cooking. Has a knack for learning practical skills. [b]Magical abilities:[/b] N/A [b]Personality:[/b] Jobe is the classic country bumpkin, with no formal education to speak of he can carry out manual tasks adeptly and can work all day with scant rest, but tell him to use his brain or perform anything requiring artisans hands and he’s hopeless. This leads him to a certain degree of naivety, close minded-ness and other harmful qualities of limited broadening of ones horizons. He is however earnest, loyal and very honest, though quick to anger and short tempered. He’s no natural leader, and is as of yet untested in anything other than an unarmed brawl. [b]Backstory:[/b] Jobe grew up in one of the many towns devoted to farming the fertile lands west of the Truesh Peaks. His father was a farmer, his father’s father was a farmer, and one would probably expect his father’s father’s father to be a farmer as well. The middle child in a family of three sons, his mother passed three years prior and his father was woefully bad at securing his children good marriages. After having only recently found a place for his eldest the sounding couldn’t have come at a better time, giving him the perfect opportunity to send Jobe off on some obscure quest as a way of relieving the family’s money problems. Jobe, as a young adventurous lad, had no issue with being packed off. Though his ignorance and naivety has served him poorly on the road so far, he has somehow survived long enough to answer the call, and considers himself the King’s most loyal subject, even if he couldn’t pick him out in a crowd. [/hider]