Name: Lester Crane. Age: 16. Gender: Male. Appearance: [hider=Human Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] Why am I amazing? [hider=Amorphous Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] Adaptation: An Amorphous form, able to do simple shape shifting, being quite elastic, as well as dissolve most organic matter if he is bigger than it. He is rather hard to kill as you would have to inflict a large amount of damage very quickly on most of his body otherwise he will regenerate or reform later from the less damaged parts remaining though there is little he could do to fight back in such a state. If needed he could squeeze through small cracks and gaps as long as they aren't sealed water tight or better though he would be unable to immediately fight back while reforming. Song: [url][/url] Bio: Lester truth be told doesn't remember much of his life from before the experiments. What he does know is that is left him extremely depressed and just wanting to disappear because he really didn't feel like he could connect with anyone. If it was caused by his own actions personality or what not he can't remember but when you feel like a monster or are treated like one then its likely he just accepted it. His change in form stemmed from the combination of his medication, radiation, and other more volatile chemicals which radically changed him physically and to a lesser degree mentally. Personality: Lester doesn't see himself as human, never has never will, but he has shown a fair bit of intelligence despite his transformation. He won't generally be the aggressor without prompting but if provoked or ordered there usually will be next to nothing left of the target. A split personality developed which it more like the amorphous cell Lester has become, wanting nothing more than to consume and grow bigger if it can get away with it trying to become less vulnerable in a pure survival instinct. Number: 4.