Eradicator was caught off guard by the onslaught of animals that had appeared to cause problems for him. The kangaroo quickly sent a fearsome kick to Eradicator's gun hand, sending the gun spinning off behind him. This only made things harder. He readied his fists, opting to try and subdue the animals before he attempted to kill them using the knife strapped to his belt. One of the bears quickly came at Eradicator, but Eradicator was ready for that. He moved to the side as the bear lunged at him, spearing it at its waist as it fell. He dove it to the ground before sending one hell of a punch to the bears skull with his metal arm, knocking the bear unconscious. He turned just in time to be swiped to the ground by a mighty bear claw. Eradicator reacted just in time to stop his 'pretty mug' from being scarred more from the bears second attack by rolling backwards out of the way. He sent a kick upwards towards the bears chest before realizing his situation. He was literally fighting two bears and a kangaroo. This was either a personal high point or a personal low point, Eradicator couldn't decide which was worse. The kick connected, winding the bear and allowing for Eradicator to follow up with a dropkick to the bears skull, slamming it against the wall behind it. Now came the hard part, the kangaroo. Eradicator had always heard the stories of kangaroos being expert boxers. Eradicator put up his fists as the kangaroo came bouncing towards him. He felt the full force of the kangaroos kick to the chest, he was expecting a punch. Eradicator stumbled backwards, but regained his posture just in time to catch the kangaroos fist. He attempted to twist the arm over and flip the kangaroo to the ground, but was met with yet another kick to his side. Eradicator would have to play this offensively rather than defensively. He looked to his surroundings and hatched a plan. He backed up a few steps before running forward towards the kangaroo, kicking off the wall to his left and sending a mighty punch to its snout. In its dazed state Eradicator was free to follow up with an uppercut and a few short jabs, sending the kangaroo to the ground. He had literally beaten up a kangaroo. A few days ago he busted a slave trading ring and today he was beating up wildlife. What a life. Eradicator fetched his gun and watched as possibly the strangest thing he'd ever seen in his life, counting the kangaroo he'd just beating up, happened. What seemed to be frankenstein just tried to elbow drop Mama Bear while what seemed to be a dragon flew at Mama Bear breathing fire as he did. It was clear that the dragon wasn't thinking if it even had a brain. Fire this close to trees and wood could only result in a fire that could potentially spread onwards to the city. He at least hoped the dragon was sensible enough to stop before he lit old Frankenstein on fire as he elbowed Mama Bear in the skull. Eradicator sighed, as much as he'd like to see Mama Bear get burned alive for making him fight a fucking kangaroo, something which he'd expect to never get over, he wouldn't allow it to happen if he could at least try to stop it. His thumb glided over the switch on his gun, setting it to lethal bullets. His robotic eye glowed a crimson red, tracking the back of her kneecap. He aimed, squeezed and the bullet flew out, hopefully piercing through her kneecap and sending her to the ground in time for the dragon to fly over her head and completely miss with the flames. --- Doyle's expression turned to confusion and from that to determination within about three seconds. He looked to the hostages on the opposite side of the side Phoenix had saved hostages on. He sprinted over, leaping over the balcony as one fell and creating a shield beneath him as they fell. They landed fine and Doyle helped soften the landing of two other hostages using what little telekinesis he knew in tandem with his shields. He made his way back into the mall to check for any still clinging on to the balconies that he had missed.