[b][u]Name[/u][/b]: Keiji Anjou [b][u]Gender[/u][/b]: Male [b][u]Age[/u][/b]: 19 [b][u]Village[/u][/b]: Kirigakure [b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: Jounin, B [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b]: [hider=Keiji Anjou][img] http://xerobid.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Cute-Anime-Ninja-Desktop-HD-Wallpaper.jpg[/img][/hider] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b]: Hardworking and ambitious, but not without a sense of humor. Keiji has aspirations to become the Mizukage one day, and so he actively tries to make as many friends and allies as he can. He is undyingly loyal to his friends, and unyieldingly ruthless to his enemies. As a relatively new Jounin, he is always respectful to his seniors, but is not afraid to offer his input whenever any planning takes place. He is slow to anger, but dishonesty and betrayal are the two things he will not tolerate. [u][b]History[/b][/u]: Keiji had always envied the Fire Nation. They had prosperity, prestige, power, everything a great nation ought to have. The lush forests of the Fire Country were so far removed from the depressing, misty land he lived in. It was no wonder that so many ninjas fled from Kirigakure; why should anyone be loyal to a brutal land that refused to take care of its own? However, nothing would change if nobody was willing endure a bit of hardship. Kirigakure was wary of the Anjou clan, just as they were of all clans with kekkei genkai. As a survival tactic, Keiji’s family cautioned him to use his ability sparingly once it awakened. Keiji heeded his family’s advice, but also became motivated the alleviate his village’s fears of his kekkei genkai. So, Keiji completed his academy training, showing unwavering respect to the authorities of his country, while at the same time analyzing everything wrong with Kirigakure so that when the time came for his voice to be heard, he would have the solutions that his people so desperately needed. On his missions, he sought to become friends with his fellow ninja, and also sought to represent his country well when traveling abroad, seeking to gain as many allies around the world as he could. After all, the best way to change his home would be to become its leader, but that would never happen without support. As he moved up through the ranks, he took pride in the fact that every member from every team he led had come back alive, and he eventually attained the rank of Jounin. He devoted a good amount of time studying Konoha’s government and history, learning what he could from their example and thinking how he could apply their policies to his own land. Then, the pendulum of history began to swing. Konoha decided to cross the line from world leader, to tyranny. Keiji glared back at Konoha undaunted. If they wanted a fight, he’d give them one. He refused to accept the Land of Water's surrender and joined the allied forces with relish. This would be a chance to earn prestige for his own nation, to form new friends and acquaintances from around the world, and to grab a bit of Konoha’s prosperity by force. [b][u]Strengths[/u][/b]: Keiji is a clever tactician that excels in team coordination. Give him any combination of shinobi, and he can assess their skills, jutsu, and demeanors to come up with the optimal team strategies. Likewise, he is able to remain calm under extreme pressure. His friends often call him fearless, but this is simply the result of his strong mental discipline. In a similar vein, he is particularly good at recognizing and dispelling genjutsu, and his own genjutsu is tough to resist. His personal combat abilities are what one would expect for a Jounin, but his is strongest on a team. [b][u]Weaknesses[/u][/b]: Since Keiji has devoted much of his training to sharpening his mind, he sacrificed strengthening his ninjutsu. His chakra pool is not as large as other Jounin, and his techniques lack the “brute force” that many other shinobi pride themselves on. Likewise, he becomes fatigued in drawn-out battles and must pace himself throughout missions. ========================================= [hider=Kekkei Genkai] [u][b]Clan[/b][/u]: Anjou [B]Name of the Kekkei Genkai:[/B] Hyouton: Seiryu no Karada (Ice Release: Body of Seiryu) [B]Type of Kekkei Genkai:[/B] Ninjutsu [B]Level of Mastery:[/B] Moderate [B]Description:[/B] At its basic level, this ice release technique creates a layer of ice armor over the user that take the form of hundreds of scales. The scales are rock-hard and especially resistant to cutting and chakra based attacks. The edges of the scales are also razor sharp, adding a slashing element to all of the user’s taijutsu. As members of the Anjou clan gain greater mastery of this jutsu, they can generate certain dragon-esque body parts with the ice, like claws, jaws, or a tail, but this comes with intense practice. [B]Weakness:[/B] The scales must leave the eyes and mouth of the user uncovered to allow for seeing/breathing, so these areas remain as susceptible to attacks as ever. The scales do not protect well against blunt-force damage, making Doton (earth release) techniques particularly effective. [/hider] ========================================= [b][u]Weapons/Items[/u][/b]: [hider=Inventory][b]Generic Items:[/b] Shuriken, exploding tags, kunai ==================== [b]Name of Weapon or Item:[/b] Whistle [b]Description:[/b] A small wooden whistle that lets out a high-pitched tone audible to humans and animals alike. [b]Appearance:[/b] An ordinary wooden whistle. ==================== [b]Name of Weapon or Item:[/b] Stink Bombs X 6 [b]Description:[/b] Pellets that burst into a cloud of gas that smells something like rotting fish. [b]Appearance:[/b] Small black pellets about the size of a cherry ==================== [b]Name of Weapon or Item:[/b] Poison Senbon X 100 [b]Description:[/b] Needles dipped in a poison designed to retain its potency over a long time and in various climates. Upon entering the body, the poison causes a burning pain, then makes the target lethargic and exhausted. A few strikes are bearable for most ninja. Being struck by 6 or more is enough to seriously impact fighting ability. The poison can be fatal for some people, but the lethal dosage would require being struck by roughly 30 senbon. [b]Appearance:[/b] Ordinary looking senbon needles. ==================== [b]Name of Weapon or Item:[/b] Mudslide Scroll X 3 [b]Description:[/b] A scroll prepared in Kirigakure that unleashes a mudslide when activated. The mud is slightly sticky, but is mostly water so it is not likely to trap or smother the target, but it is likely to wash the target away. The water released can then be used for water-based jutsu. [b]Appearance:[/b] An unmarked scroll with a single brown stripe. [/hider] ======================================== [b][u]Keiji's Jutsu[/u][/b]: [hider=jutsu][b]Name of Jutsu:[/b] Nise Zoufuku no Jutsu (False Amplification Jutsu) [b]Rank:[/b] B [b]Range:[/b] 40 ft. [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Genjutsu [b]Element Affinity:[/b] NA [b]Description:[/b] A genjutsu that amplifies a particular sense to an unbearable degree. For example, sunlight would become an unbearable glare, a whistle would become a deafening screech, etc. The user can choose a stimulus in the environment at will and amplify its effect on the target. This genjutsu is tricky to break because it does not target the mind directly, but rather the target’s receptors; the target’s mind is functioning normally, but it is receiving false information. Thus the standard method of breaking genjutsu is not effective. Instead, the target must focus chakra to the specific part of the body being effected. [b]Weakness:[/b] Nise Zoufuku no Jutsu cannot create stimuli; it can only amplify something that the target is already sensing, so additional tools are often needed to make this technique effective. Likewise, completely cutting off a sense (closing one’s eyes for example) would negate the effects for as long as the sense remains cut off, while the technique will continue to drain the user’s chakra. ======================================== [b]Name of Jutsu:[/b] Toppuu Arukkata no Jutsu (Gust Step Jutsu) [b]Rank:[/b] D [b]Range:[/b] NA [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Ninjutsu [b]Element Affinity:[/b] Wind [b]Description:[/b] Wind chakra is channeled into the feet and released in a quick burst, resulting in a momentary, but powerful, propulsive force. The technique itself is incredibly simple, but it can be made into a deadly weapon with clever application. This technique can give the user a sudden burst of speed or can increase jumping distance. The force of the burst is controllable and dependant on the amount of chakra expended. The technique cannot be used continuously, but it can be used in rapid succession. [b]Weakness:[/b] The technique results in a high speed thrust, but does not heighten the user’s senses, thought process, or body speed. The runs the risk of miscalculating where he and his opponent will be after the step. ======================================== [b]Name of Jutsu:[/b] Kazetachi no Jutsu (Wind Cutter Jutsu) [b]Rank:[/b] C [b]Range:[/b] 50 ft. [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Ninjutsu [b]Element Affinity:[/b] Wind [b]Description:[/b] The user launches blades of compressed air at the target. The blades are strong enough to leave deep lacerations, but generally are not fatal unless many strikes land. [b]Weakness:[/b] The blades cannot cut through rock or metal, so they can be blocked with a moderate defense. ======================================== [b]Name of Jutsu:[/b] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Water_Release:_Water_Dragon_Bullet_Technique] Suiton: Suiryuudan no Jutsu (Water Dragon Jutsu)[/url] ======================================== [b]Name of Jutsu:[/b] Dassui Goumon no Jutsu (Dehydration Torture Jutsu) [b]Rank:[/b] A [b]Range:[/b] Contact [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Ninjutsu [b]Element Affinity:[/b] Water [b]Description:[/b] Originally created as an interrogation technique, Dassui Goumon forcibly rips the water out of the target’s body. Keiji personally modified this technique so that it could be used in combat. The technique requires intense concentration and precise chakra control, but if it is executed correctly, once he comes in contact with his target, he can rip the moisture right out of them. The technique does not leave any physical wounds except the parched and fatigued body that dehydration brings. Brief contact allows the removal of a moderate amount of water. It would take multiple hits to have an immediate effect. However, with prolonged contact, immediate dehydration is possible. Death is even a possibility if enough water is pulled out. [b]Weakness:[/b] The technique requires physical contact, meaning flesh against flesh. The water can be pulled against porous substances, like normal clothing, but the technique cannot be activated through armor or thick clothing. Since the technique requires precise chakra control, it must be prepared in advance; it cannot be used opportunistically. ======================================== [b]Name of Jutsu:[/b] Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Wanayamori (Summoning Teachnique: Trap Gecko) [b]Rank:[/b] A [b]Range:[/b] NA [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] space-time ninjutsu [b]Element Affinity:[/b] NA [b]Description:[/b] A rather obscure form of summoning that is often overshadowed by larger, “more powerful,” creatures. Wanayamori appear to be ordinary lizards, and have no notable offensive capabilities. However, their bodies are capable of absorbing and releasing ninja tools at will. For example, the ninja can place three shuriken in one gecko; that gecko will be able to spit those shuriken back at a target. Each individual gecko takes a small amount of chakra, so the user can often summon multiple geckos at once. The Wanayamori have a hive mind that links to the user, essentially allowing the user to control them at will. [b]Weakness:[/b] Controlling multiple Wanayamori at once is mentally taxing, and while they do not require large amounts of chakra, only those capable of prolonged concentration can use them effectively. If a gecko is killed before it releases the tools, those tools are lost forever. ======================================== [b]Name of Jutsu:[/b] Kirigakure-ryu: Nagare Keitai (Mist Village Style: Flowing Form) [b]Rank:[/b] B [b]Range:[/b] NA [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] taijutsu [b]Element Affinity:[/b] NA [b]Description:[/b] A defensive technique used to minimize damage from physical strikes. The user anticipates the force and rhythm of the strike and moves with it upon contact rather than blocking or resisting the strike. This technique is similar to the way boxers “roll with the punches,” but this form of taijutsu can be used against a variety of strikes. Users often utilize spinning or rolling motions to lessen the force of the blow. Advanced practitioners can use the centripetal force to then deliver a counter strike. [b]Weakness:[/b] It is a risky maneuver. One misstep results in the user taking the full force of the enemy’s attack, unguarded. [/hider]