[center][color=00aeef][b]Fayth Morrow[/b][/color][/center] [i]Fay, what happened? What happened here?… What happened, what happened, what happened?[/i] The question sounded out inside of her mind and echoed back. Again, and again. Nonstop. A deafening vibration of accusation stormed inside of her mind. Fay couldn't hear herself breathe. A faint buzz of guilt clouded her head. Becoming louder. Louder. Like a television set on an obscure video setting with static blaring. She couldn't even think about Kalib. With her hands raised to her face, all Fay could see was blood. Every inch of her palms stained with the crimson life of Anton. Bloody streaks trailed from the body to Fay. A paved road constructed through brutality pointing to the direction of the monster. All she could see was red. Grim, mocking laughter roaring from her past memories. [i]You're a killer. No… You're a killer and you always will be. I'm not! Deny it all you want, but I've seen it. The darkness that lurks inside of you. Red eyes and pearly white fangs shining in the blackness. I made you. A perfect killing machine. It will always be a part of you, that monster. Because I made it. I made you and therefore I am part of you. Always with you. Lurking. Whenever you're happy or believe you've found quiet serenity, I will be there to burn all of it to the ground. Rip your friends to shreds and light it all on fire. I will dance on the ashes of your friends with joy… Shut up. Is that all you can say? Shut up… Poor Fayth. Always the victim. What's wrong? Afraid you'll lose control? Too late… [/i] [color=00aeef]"SHUT UP!"[/color] Fay pressed her hands to her skull, rubbing her hands through her hair like she was trying to rub something away. The mess in front of her became more clear. Chaos swarming her mind began to dull. Soon all there was was silence and Kalib's question left unanswered. Metal trash bins dented and scattered across the ground. Garbage littered over the hard concrete and Anton's limp, bloodied body. Breathe. Fay staggered up to her feet. Shaky legs. "I-I lost control, Kalib." "You need to help me, to help Anton." She went over to Anton and grabbed her by her clothes. Lifting her up into her arms, with her superhuman strength it was easy. But looking at the blood terrified her. "Take her from me… NOW! Take her from me and clean her up, you have to get her away from me as soon as you can. I don't want to lose control again. I don't want to, I can't!" Fear engulfed Fay. Every part of her. The darkness hovered around her, a palpable aura that touched everyone and everything around her. A lurking shadow. Ghosts of the past haunting her every step and reflecting themselves in her violet gaze.