Both of them approved of her being with them, something that came as a pleasant surprise to Kiko. What wasn't surprising was that there were others that needed to approve, but with two people on her side she expected things would go smoothly for her. Since it sounded like the others were doing their own little missions in Ru she would be patient and not ask to go see them just yet. [color=fdc68a]"Well I'll be staying here tonight, so whenever they are done with that you can bring them here to meet with me. I don't want to intrude on something as sensitive as their meetings with the leader here, so I'll wait here and get some rest or maybe even work on a new song. I'll be sure to let the two of you hear whatever I come up with."[/color] She would prefer going with them right away but felt it would be coming on too strong and seem suspicious, two things that would hurt her chances to get to travel with them. And then she would be stuck in her current situation, stuck playing music at random places and doing the best she could. With Shima representatives she could get a real audience and be right in thick of what was going on, something that would really help her.