[center][h2][color=f6989d]Guinevere Hart[/color][/h2][/center] Saving civilians, defeating villains, it seemed all too real as Tess and Gwen played their superhero counterparts. They had been waiting for this moment for what seemed like forever. The White Guardian and Teen Tornado had finally made their debut. Unlike her entire life, Gwen finally felt like she belonged here. It wasn't until the mind behind the clones turned his attention toward them did things get real. It seemed only like seconds before innocent hostages were being held over balconies and threatened with weapons. What seemed only like an easy game earlier had turned into a haunted reality. Gwen and Tess were only teenagers, immature girls who were still learning how to drive and deal with hormones. This was an actual, serious villain. Gwen couldn't help but feel completely helpless and embarrassed. “Your move, folks,” the villain said, his remaining clones speaking in unison with him. “My brothers and I truly do not wish to hurt these people, but you've given us very little alternative. Sit down and surrender, and we give you our word that you will be released unharmed once that demagogue Kaganovich meets our demands.” Gwen felt conflicted and confused, what was she supposed to do? Give up? Just like that? It seemed ridiculous and went against everything she believed in. Before Gwen couldn't even decide though, another boy held up his hands instantly. She realized he was the one with the 'magic' abilities she sensed earlier. The situation did seem dire though, what could they do with all these people at risk? They'd have to suffer their pride. Gwen was also about to raise her hands when The Phoenix took charge and attacked the clone master. Gwen stared in pure awe. WOAH. So cool!!! Now that was a real hero, someone who never gave up and always found a solution. However, once Uprsing was taken down, his clones disappeared, leaving several civilians to fall to their death from the balconies. Phoenix managed to save several but hostages still remained. Gwen glanced at Tess, hoping she had enough strength to save the rest for Gwen could only save one. Rushing toward the closest falling person, a little boy crying in terror, Gwen let him fall into her arms. The force was enough to crush Gwen against the ground and probably break a few bones, but the boy was breathing. She gasped in pain but it wasn't long before her body healed itself. "One of you, call an ambulance. Those that didn't get saved by me or the other heroes will need medical attention. You, though, come with me," Phoenix ordered them before walking off. Finding that the little boy had minor injuries, Gwen put her hands over the boy's stomach and let a white light glow from her hands, healing him. "Be careful next time, okay bud? Now go look for your parents," She smiled and ruffled his hair, letting him off to find his mother and father. Several people were weeping and hurt, now it was her turn to shine. Phoenix might be the best at offense but Gwen was all defense. Taking care of people was what her gift enabled her to do. Gwen walked up to everyone she passed by and healed their injuries, smiling as people gasped at the white glow. Many people thanked her and asked of her name, which Gwen was all but too happy to reply. "The White Guardian, and that other there," She said, pointing to Tess "is Teen Tornado. She's totally wicked and saved many lives tonight," Gwen grinned at Tess. Perhaps things didn't go as badly as she previously perceived.