[hider=Leon Sarcelle] [b][u]1) Basic info:[/u][/b] [b]Name: [/b] Leon Sarcelle [b]Team/occupation: [/b] [b]Species: [/b] Human [b]Age: [/b]17 [b]Sex: [/b]Male [b]Handedness: [/b]Left [b]Aura/Effects: [/b]Deep bluish green; passively gives off an ocean-like smell [b]Symbol: [/b]Large, sea foam green wave [b]Physical traits: [/b] [b]Misc traits: [/b]One jagged scar running down his back diagonally, from his right shoulder to just above his waist [b]Nickname(s): [/b]The Sea Lion (much to his chagrin) [b][u]2) Appearance:[/u][/b] [b]Height: [/b]6’ [b]Weight: [/b]170 [b]Eyes: [/b]Hazel [b]Face: [/b]Angled jawline, clean shaven [b]Hair: [/b]Medium length black hair that is kept swept back [b]Physique: [/b]Very athletic, but his muscles are rather lean [b]Combat Outfit: [/b]Leon often wears a thin, black long-sleeve shirt that cuts off about half way down his forearm, faded pants that have a turquoise wash to them, and black hiking shoes. He also wears a simple gauntlet on his right hand (for emergency “Punch it in the face!” scenarios) that has a dull, sea foam green finish to it and a plain black leather cuirass. A simple scarf passed down to him from his father is always around his neck, even in battle. [b]Casual Outfit: [/b]Standard issue Beacon uniform that he wears with his trademark red scarf on top [b][u]3) Characteristics:[/u][/b] [b]Personality: [/b]With an impulsive outlook and rather carefree attitude, Leon often comes across as a rather immature individual. He has next to no filter when it comes to saying what’s on his mind and often has little regard for social norms, especially when it comes to personal space. That’s not to say that he is completely dense though, as he is actually quite perceptive when it comes to other people, it’s just that most of the time knowing better won’t stop him. If you can get past that though, Leon is quite a friendly guy that cares about his friends, even if he has unorthodox ways of showing it. But contrary to popular belief, Leon is actually quite dependable and takes his promises seriously. And when it comes to a fight, most of his quirkiness takes to the sidelines, as he knows all too well that there is no place for it when the lives of others may very well depend on him. [b]Background: [/b][hider=Story Time]The son of a sailor, Leon has been tying knots and raising sails for as long as he can remember. Most of his friends growing up had been the ragtag group of sailors working on his dad’s old fashioned, or as he would say: character filled, ship. In fact, Leon is a bit of an odd ball at Beacon, as neither his parents nor any of his close relatives are hunters. By all accounts, Leon was born to be a sailor just like his father, but life seemed to have different plans for him. It wasn’t just any other day like the rest. The day started off miserable and was followed by rain that came down relentlessly, which made tending to the sails a nightmare. It took everything a 10 year old Leon had to help the more experienced crew without getting in the way. It was in the thick of it that a pack of amphibious Grimm attacked. Usually when such an event happened, the crew was able to see them coming and prepare for them, but with everyman on board trying to keep the ship afloat, there was no warning to their attack. They pulled a few unfortunate souls overboard before anybody else could even notice. And when realization dawned on the rest of the crew, panic set in quickly. The tyke had never seen Grimm up close, so when they started climbing aboard, fear took a firm hold on his young heart. Frozen, Leon watched as the crew made a poor attempt to fight the Grimm while also trying to keep the ship from sinking. But when Lemmy, one of the sailors who had always slipped Leon an extra roll at dinner, went down, something inside of him snapped. He couldn’t take them on directly, that much was painfully obvious even to one as young as Leon, but he could certainly distract them. The only thing he had near him was a coil of rope, but with trembling fingers he managed to fashion it into a lasso. There were no concrete thoughts racing through his mind as he moved, just the intent to try and save the people that were family to him. So he dashed across the rain soaked deck with purpose, just barely keeping himself from slipping with each step. The Grimm were horned monstrosities, although their horn resembled a curved blade more than a horn, but were not all that tall and did not move that quickly on solid ground. The red on some of their horns reminded Leon not to underestimate them though, so with heart beating in his throat he jumped onto the back of the one slowly approaching one of his crewmates. With a quick jerk, he pulled the lasso tight around the monsters throat, bewildering it. The ten year old pulled with all of his might to try and cut off its circulation, but to this day he couldn’t say how much good it did. Pain seared across his back as another Grimm raked its horn against him. Leon’s vision went red as he fell, but as his consciousness slipped he saw a figure that he recognized as one of the passengers his father had taken aboard. -- Awareness found Leon in a hospital bed back in Vale. The cut he received was mostly superficial and would only leave him bedridden for a time. But a fire had been set in the boy’s heart, as he learned that it had been a hunter that was responsible for saving everybody that stormy night. And for the first time in his young life, Leon saw a new future for himself that did not involve becoming a sailor.[/hider] [b][u]4) Combat info:[/u][/b] [b]Position/Class: [/b]Lancer/Disruptor [b]Landing strategy: [/b]Through careful manipulation of Sea Breeze’s ice dust propulsion function, Leon is able to form an ice slide to divert a good portion of his downward momentum. [b]Weapon: [/b]Sea Breeze: A sizable trident that has a shaft measuring 5 feet in length and is relatively thick. Each of the foot long tines are capable of being fired off individually using a high powered dust propulsion system inside of it. Each wire is extremely durable and with a flick of a switch, an internal reel will kick in, propelling Leon towards his target. The trident has a dust cylinder between the shaft and head and dust ejection ports in between each tine. This allows Sea Breeze to be used like a flamethrower, with various dust effects like ice and fire to be applied generously to his enemies. Ice is perhaps the most common element used, as it complements his semblance and fighting style quite well. The tines and shaft collapse into a shape that resembles a police baton and can then be stored in a sheath on his left thigh. [b]Semblance: [/b]Water Manipulation: Exactly as it says on the tin. Leon is has a great deal of control over water in its various states. His level of control is inversely proportional to the amount of water he is manipulating, and can tax his aura rather quickly if he attempts to take on too much. And while it is possible for him to pool together the latent moisture in the atmosphere, doing so takes a bit of time and can drain him rather quickly. Thus to ensure he will almost always have water on hand, Leon keeps several metal flasks full of water strapped to his belt when he goes out on a mission or exercise. [b]Fighting style: [/b]In a team, Leon generally takes a supportive role and sets up Grimm for his teammates more devastating attacks by locking them down with Sea Breeze or his semblance. In solo engagements, he prefers exploiting openings in his enemies’ defenses, most of which he creates himself, rather than using head on tactics. [b][u]5) Trivia:[/u][/b] [b]Relationships: [/b] [b]Notes: [/b] Sarcelle is the French word for the color teal [/hider]