[b]Name: Tobias Greten[/b] [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender: Male [/b] [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] Heterosexual [b]Role in Society:[/b] Commoner [b]Occupation:[/b] Hunter [b]Legend:[/b] Tobias's legend goes by many names, though none are more pervasive than the one originating from his home in the western forests: "The Woodsman". It is said that he is ten feet tall, wields a blade heavier than he is, and kills two ogres before breakfast each day. Some more fanciful tellings cast him as a guardian spirit of mankind, who may appear to you in the woods when your need is greatest and slay whatever predator or beast plagues you before melting away without ever saying a word. Many claim to have seen him on the game trail, and it's possible that some of these tales, at least, are accurate, as he shows up in a lot of places, and is almost always on the hunt. [b]Appearance Picture:[/b] [hider= Tobias] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/9a/ca/6d/9aca6d5c4cf9efdbdd52d2b7b758c9db.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Appearance:[/b] As pictured, pretty much. But with a shirt, and he carries a hatchet rather than a sword. [b]Personality:[/b] Tobias definitely falls on the 'loner' side of things, mostly due to the fact that in the past, people who've tried to accompany him on hunts... die. He's not a great communicator, and he can be a control freak (owing to his strategy of meticulous planning), but he's generally a pretty moral person behind all the grunting and frowning, and he does what he does to make the world safer for others. [b]Skills:[/b] [b]Master Tactician:[/b] Tobias sees everything and plans accordingly. He can account almost perfectly for variables, understands how people and animals react, and can visualize and keep track of a space better than almost anyone. [b]Master Athleticism:[/b] Tobias keeps himself in shape. He can run fast and far, jump, climb, swim, and generally get around without getting tired. [b]Expert Archer:[/b] Tobias can land a shot, reliably. He can't make trick shots, can't shoot an apple off someone's head at a million miles away, but he's practiced shooting to the point where, if a plan calls for an arrow to go somewhere, it'll go there. [b]Expert Melee Fighter:[/b] When armed with his hatchet and dagger, Tobias can take about two normal people in a straight up fight. Any more than that and he'll need to start getting cute with his other tricks, but he can pretty much take two bog-standard people. [b]Journeyman Craftsman:[/b] Tobias takes care of his own supplies. He can make traps, basic rock-and-wood weapons, he can do wonders with rope, fletches his own arrows and tans his own leather. [b]Journeyman Tracker:[/b] Self-explanatory. He can't tell you 'Forty-three Horseman passed this way an hour and seven minutes ago, their leader was blonde', but he can do "Bear went this way." He's also fairly capable in sneaking, camouflage, stealth, and general woods-craft. [b]Apprentice Alchemist:[/b] He's got a basic knowledge of Alchemy, enough to be able to brew himself a few basic potions and poisons like "Get a bit stronger" or "Get a bit faster" or "You feel like your veins are on fire". [b]Combat Flaws:[/b] No Improvisation: Tobias really, really needs a plan. If he's caught off-guard or something goes wrong, he's in a really terrible spot until he has time to sit down and think of a new plan. He's not the best fighter, or the best archer, or the best tracker, or alchemist, or pretty much anything - in order to stand a chance, he needs to be five steps ahead of his enemy. No Weapon Variety: Tobias has about as much use for a sword as he does for a toothpick in a fight. In order to be effective, he needs weapons he's comfortable with - a longbow, a hatchet, and a dagger, ideally his. If he's separated from those or forced to use anything else, his combat abilities plummet pretty drastically. Needs Useable Ground: Tobias's fighting strategy is based around mobility and use of his environment - all well and good if he has environment to use. He thrives in the woods or even in some dense urban environments, but lock in him a featureless room with a bunch of guys and he'll run out of tricks fast. [b]Personality Flaws[/b] Poor Social Skills: Tobias isn't great at dealing with people. He's a terrible liar, and is generally pretty bad at communicating through words. He's a good person and he can be a loyal friend, but a wordsmith, he ain't. [b]Magic Spells:[/b] Nope! Never had a knack for it. [b]Abilities:[/b] [b]Legendary Tactician:[/b] Tobias knows, Tobias sees. -- [b]Area Control:[/b] Tobias can take a mental picture of an area (about a square acre) and pretty much perfectly memorize every detail in it, from where people were when he last saw them, what direction they were heading, where he left traps and supplies... he knows. -- [b]Think Fast:[/b] Tobias thinks quickly, can visualize his options and predict behavior in a fraction of the time normal people could. He can also process information very fast, so he reads quick and can understand visual and auditory information very quickly. [b]Legendary Athleticism:[/b] Tobias has the cardio of a racehorse and none of the fragility. -- [b]But First They Must Catch You:[/b] Tobias can run very, very fast for a long period of time (think top human sprinting speed for like, an hour). On top of that, he's also a slippery bastard, able to dip, duck, dive, and generally be hard to catch, while also being an adept climber. -- [b]Strongman:[/b] Tobias is also possessed of a supernatural strength. (Less Hulk or Thor, more Captain America, for an easy analogy). He mainly uses this to climb and to strike with precision, as fistfighting and brute force aren't really his fortes. [b]Backstory:[/b] Tobias comes from the Kingdom of Alpian, located in the Western Forests (which I will post a sheet for later later). He lived in a small village, the eldest of two sons. His mother perished giving birth to his younger brother, leaving his father, the village woodsman, to raise the boys on his own. His father was an uneducated, brutish man, but he loved the children dearly, and did the best by them he could. Bereft of wealth and learning, he passed to them the skills of his proffession. Tobias's brother took to the work readily, but lumberjacking never came easily to Tobias - he much preferred the skills of hunting and woodscraft that his father had to offer. He lived in this way for the first eighteen years of his life, until his kingdom's darkest hour arrived. They called the beast "Green-Eye". It was the largest ogre anyone had ever heard of, the size of three powerfully built men, fists like boulders and legs like tree-trunks. What was more, the creature was mad - its campaign of violence and savagery burned a swathe across the countryside for almost a year. Knight after knight set off on a glorious quest to kill the beast, and yet every brave champion who attempted was slain. The Kingdom's military might was lacking, but even armies could not kill it - any force large enough to defeat the monster moved too slowly to catch it. And so it came to be that the ogre brought ruin down upon the village that Tobias called home. In a single day, Tobias's life was shattered. The monster shrugged off arrow wounds, battered aside militia, smashed houses like they were matchwood. Tobias had been out hunting during the attack, and so he was able to escape the destruction, watching helplessly from afar as his home was wiped out. The same could not be said for his father, nor his brother, both of whom were slain by the mad beast. Fire in his heart, Tobias set off for revenge. For a month, he stalked his quarry, making note of its movements and habits. He planned, he prepared, he chose the perfect area for his battle, and when the day he had decided upon came, everything was ready. For a full day he fought the monster, utilizing the snares and traps he had placed, striking from stealth and executing his plan perfectly. When the day was finished, Green-Eye the ogre lay dead, and the legend of The Woodsman was born. His resolution, his ability, and his cunning impressed Jergal. A simple hunter had succeeded where all the knights and armies of the kingdom had failed. For his skill and his determination, he was granted the gift of Deep Magic. Since that day, Tobias has wandered the land, hunting those who would hunt the innocent, be they animal, beast, or man. His legend has only grown, becoming a symbol for the ability of mankind to strike back against the cruel wilderness.