Thasseldar took a long look at the drink. He had been across many dimensions... and seen many strange things. He didn't have the foggiest idea what it was. Judging from the reaction that had just played out down the bar, something quite strong... he decided to take a chance. He stuck a few gold coins on the counter and quickly drunk the contents of the drink, quickly bringing the cup down on the table. [i]That wasn't too... err...[/i] For a movement, his human form completely dissolved, revealing his natural body structure and armor worn from hundreds of years of travel and wear. He slammed his head on the table as it completely distorted his thoughts, and he inadvertently summoned a chicken as random thoughts ran through his head... A minute later, he regained control, casually restoring his human form and completely ignoring the chicken that was striding towards Tongzka. "Hmm... I think I'll have one more."