Absolutely! Each race can have its own language. Just to develop a little backstory (as I am wont to do): All modern races of Allevent can trace their heritage back to the Advent, when an ancient race known as the Lexons warred with one another and unleashed the Nightbringer, destroying their civilization. Decades later one section of their society returned to the site of their self-destruction, now a thriving forest infused with an abundance of unstable, 'living' [i]caith[/i]. These people became the Elfes, and because of their longevity and their insular ways, they speak a virtually unaltered form of Antelexis even tens of thousands of years later. The other branch continued to wander and spread throughout Allevent, becoming the modern races of Deor, Human, Bogle and Gygr (and more). Over the millennia each developed its own separate language - although because they all share a proto-language in the Antelexis, a common pidgin tongue allows each race to communicate with one another across Allevent. It is this tongue, known as the lexis, that we'll be writing/speaking in throughout the rp. The human language is known as Yuma, and to other races' ears it can sound somewhat simplistic though not offensively so. Straightforward, Yuman is the most commonly known language outside of the lexis itself, and in fact sounds more like a heavy accent than a separate tongue. The various deor tribes have a language with multitudinous dialects and accents, but collectively is referred to as Indigen. To other races it sounds rather obtuse, because even the slightest changes in tone can drastically alter the meaning. Indigenous songs can have entirely different meanings depending on the music they're set to. The bogle tongue is called Folkl, and sounds quite complicated to other ears, as though twice the sounds are made in half the time. Folklor words are known for their surprising specificity and length - for instance having a single word meaning 'a friend who at one point was, or could soon become, a romantic partner.' The gygr people speak in Glot. The Glottal tongue is virtually unintelligible to all other ears and can sound as little more than a deep, throaty rumble. Because the gygr people are sensitive to sounds at a lower frequency, there is much more nuance to the language than is readily apparent. The elfes continue to speak in the old tongue, the Antelexis. It is incredibly formal and literal, and the grammatical and syntactical rules make mastery for nearly all other races impossible unless immersed in the language from birth. To the elfes, all other tongues are more or less understandable, except for the more idiomatic or figurative expressions.