Petra moved as fast as she could, holding the hand gun at the ready while her mind kept reminding her to reach for the axe on her belt. It didn't help that she usually was armed with the axe while she was running, not having it dangle off of her belt. Just as she had predicted it would, the extra weight slowed her down and she was quite a few paces behind Hunter. He had already fired off the shotgun a fair amount of times, she didn't want to fire off the hand gun to attract anymore attention. Whatever walkers got in her way got pistol whipped to the ground. Petra didn't exactly care about killing them at this point - just getting them out of her way. Seeing that Hunter had already gotten into the pharmacy and was now waiting for her, Petra sprinted the rest of the way, her free hand holding the axe still, so it wouldn't tug on her belt. "Close the door!" she exclaimed once she had gotten into the pharmacy, bending over to catch her breath. But there wasn't time to rest. Their rather boisterous entry had summoned the walkers that had been hiding in the back of the pharmacy. Nodding to Hunter, Petra advanced towards them. She had stuffed the hand gun in her jacket pocket for now and wielded the axe. She needed time to get reacquainted with it and the axe was better suited for a silent, close quartered brawl. There were three walkers that Petra readily spotted. She acted fast with her axe, swinging it at the sides of their heads. Groaning from the back of the pharmacy told the two survivors that there were more than just the three walkers.