[b][color=9e005d]Name:[/color][/b] Mylisant Feyla [b][color=9e005d]Age:[/color][/b] 22 [b][color=9e005d]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=9e005d]Sexual Orientation:[/color][/b] Bisexual [b][color=9e005d]Role in Society:[/color][/b] Commoner [b][color=9e005d]Occupation:[/color][/b] Desert Bandit/Con woman [b][color=9e005d]Legend:[/color][/b] It was first just simple pranks. Mylisant Feyla was a commoner, a [i]girl[/i] within the Ybella kingdom, playing tricks on palace guards. She was a hero among the children, spitting fire back at the oppressors. She pick pocketed the noblemen and gave her findings to the poor. She was 15 when her love affair started with a guard of the palace. He was said to be a young boy, too. Fresh from military training, only 16. Young girls gossiped that it was love at first sight. He'd arrest her and bring her into the dungeons so they may talk in private and get to know one another better, away from prying eyes. The night of Princess Aezilia's wedding, when the whole court was attending the ceremony, the guard snuck Mylisant into the royal bed chambers and defiled the king's bed, knocking over a lit candle and setting half the palace ablaze. The guard was caught and publicly executed before the brand new Queen Aezilia months after her father mysteriously died shortly after the fire. After watching her lover die, Mylisant fled Ybella and into the desert with no ambition for her survival. Legend has it she perished in the sands, sobbing for her lover's lost life, but many believe her ghost still wanders the kingdoms, wailing for vengeance against Queen Aezilia. [hider=Appearance Picture] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c5/74/06/c574063f289c09ddec002fa76a4cc072.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b][color=9e005d]Appearence:[/color][/b] Mylisant has eyes that match the desert sand and short black hair she tucks back. With her constant presence in the desert, she always seems to have a coating of sand on any exposed skin. She also has many scars from punishments by merchants after being caught stealing. She has the seal of Yumar tattooed in between her shoulder blades and the symbol of Sliv tattooed on her left shoulder. The symbol of Yumar is three strokes representing wind, and the symbol of Sliv is broken scales [b][color=9e005d]Personality:[/color][/b] She's a trickster, a joker, she tries to cover up her fear and her doubt with laughter and confidence, and she's not afraid to call anyone out on their wrong doing or faults. She's not loyal, for sure, but give her a fair price and she'll do your bidding. Mylisant is no longer open to love, her soul aches for Aezilia, her first and only love. She drowns herself in adventures and treasures and whores, begging her senses to go null and forget the queen of Ybella. [b][color=9e005d]Skills:[/color][/b] [u][color=ec008c]Pick Pocketing Expert[/color][/u]- She's been pick pocketing since she was a child, practicing her craft to perfection, but her time in the desert left her without practice for a long time [u][color=ec008c]Tracking Apprentice[/color][/u]- During her time in the desert, she often had to follow the trails of bandits to survive and find civilization. She didn't learn everything there is to know in the desert, considering the fact that tracking is very different in different biomes, but the desert taught her enough [u][color=ec008c]Sword Handling Apprentice[/color][/u]- Whenever Mylisant's father actually [i]did[/i] pay attention to her, her often taught her weapons handling, but mostly swords since he crafted the finest swords in Ybella [u][color=ec008c]Drawing Novice[/color][/u]- When Mylisant spent time with Aezilia, she would idly scrape her lover's features onto the dungeon walls, and in her spare time, she would draw Aezilia in various places around the kingdom, then show her at their meetings, fulfilling Aezilia's wish to escape the palace walls and travel [u][color=ec008c]Knife Throwing Journeyman[/color][/u]- The desert bandits taught her how to properly knife throw [u][color=ec008c]Sacrifice[/color][/u]- During her time with the bandits, they taught Mylisant how to make offerings to the gods Yumar and Silv, though she is more experienced in making offerings to Yumar [b][color=9e005d]Combat Flaws:[/color][/b] [u][color=ec008c]Sword handling[/color][/u]- While she is improving on her sword skills, she still has her weak points. She's easy to forget she has disadvantages, that she's not invincible. She's all offensive and no defensive. [u]Hunting[/u]- She's constantly startling the prey, her patients always wears thin [b][color=9e005d]Personality Flaws:[/color][/b] [u][color=ec008c]Aezilia[/color][/u]- One mention of the new queen of Ybella and Mylisant will [i]shut down.[/i] She will turn mute form days on end [u][color=ec008c]Ocean[/color][/u]- Mylisant has been surrounded by sand all her life; the wide stretch of blue abyss terrifies her above all things [u][color=ec008c]Her Legend[/color][/u]- Mylisant has heard the take of her own legend and she [i]hates[/i] it. She doesn't want to be remembered as a whiny ghost lover who hates Aezilia [b][color=9e005d]Magic Spells:[/color][/b] [u][i]No knowledge on spells--magic was outlawed in Ybella to the common folk, though her father dabbled in it slightly to try to improve his sword crafting skills[/i][/u] [b][color=9e005d]Abilities:[/color][/b] [u][color=ec008c]Athleticism[/color][/u] -[i][color=f49ac2]Parkour[/color][/i] She is able to successfully parkour across multiple terrains and even urban areas at a well enough speed to where she won't be caught but she won't trip -[i][color=f49ac2]Staminia[/color][/i] While she only has average speed, she is able to run for a long time [u][color=ec008c]Knife throwing[/color][/u] -[i][color=f49ac2]Aim[/color][/i] Mylisant is able to almost hit every single target on point [u][color=ec008c]Enhanced Eyesight[/color][/u] -[i][color=f49ac2]Surroundings[/color][/i] In the desert things could either be very easy or very hard to see. Her eyes focus on the unnoticeable shifts in the sand for items being actively buried by the wind -[i][color=f49ac2]Hiding[/color][/i] She is able to "convince" the eyes of her enemies to go somewhat null to her presence [hider=Backstory] Mylisant was born into a wealthy family, her father a famous blacksmith in Ybella. Yet, even though Mylisant could have everything she could have desired, she did not have her father's love. Her father was always working, always wasting his time on perfecting the craft of both blacksmithing and sword fighting, never even taking time to actually speak with his only child. Mylisant had no mother; she was a spirit haunting her father. Mylisant was a lonely child, and she observed the other happy children often. She noticed how when the children wanted attention, they would throw fits until their parents would finally tend to them. Mylisant didn't want to trouble her father with such bratty tempers as the other children had, so she started snatching fruit from the fruit stands in the local market, purposefully trying to get caught. When she was first accused, she begged the merchant to speak with her father and somehow draw him into the situation. She caught her father's attention for a brief few moments, but then he disappeared back into his shop to return to work. Mylisant started doing much worse than stealing from fruit stands. She pick pocketed noblemen who were out and about, vandalized property, and she almost joined a gang at one point. Her father finally noticed and decided to cut out time to be in his daughter's company, yet he was still unloving. Still, Mylisant was grateful. He taught her minimal sword skills before disappearing back into his abyss. Mylisant returned to her scandals, vying even harder to grab her father's attention. She started to harass the guards of King Aldus's palace, the beautiful Munital, named after the god of the Earth in his honor. The guards did their best to ignore her, but when she started to disrespect their honor, they finally broke and took her to the dungeons. When King Aldus learned that a young girl was rotting in the cells bellow Munital, he sent his oldest daughter, Aezilia, to try to turn the girl away from her mischievous ways, for the law did not permit him to punish women, nor hold them accountable for their actions. Aezilia urged Mylisant to keep her head down, to survive Ybella, for she did not want to see yet another young girl put down. Mylisant purposefully got arrested to see Aezilia. She never knew if Aezilia would be there, but she always would. They fell in love, which was the worst of luck for them. Ybella was not only against the freedom of women, but the freedom of marriage choice within the royal family. The whole time, Aezilia and Mylisant thought they were safe within the dungeon to talk, but the guards were always lurking. They suspected that the two had formed a pact to run away together. After being arrested for the 67th time, Aezilia was not there to great her. After Mylisant was released, she tried again. And again. And again. And again. Mylisant waited. She waited four months. Nothing. No news coming out of the palace other than royal decrees. No marriages. No deaths. No births. Nothing about the royal family personally. One night, she could take it no longer. She snuck into Munital and rushed to her lover's bed chamber, only to find it empty. She wandered around the palace like a ghost, calling out for Aezilia with no regard of who heard her. Munital seemed empty. Only her cries filled the void. After what seemed like hours of gliding around the palace, she stumbled upon a room that gazed into the courtyard. A wedding was being held. The bride walked slowly up the aisle, as if trying to delay the inevitable. Her veil was crimson, a symbol that practically meant it was a death marked marriage. The veil might as well have been soaked in the bride's blood. When the bride arrived to stand by her future husband's side, the groom lifted the veil from the bride's face to reveal a crying Aezilia. Mylisant was filled with fury and depression as she watched her lover's face crumble when she mouthed the words [i]"I do."[/i] In her grief, she slipped into the king's treasury and stole some of the crown's jewels and Aezilia's chastity necklace before setting fire to all of the royal bed chambers. She fled into the desert, carrying only the crowned jewels and her father's finest sword, with no ambition for her own survival. The desert drove her mad; the sand grew eyes and whispered to her. [i]"I know all things,"[/i] It would seethe. [i]"Yumar tells me there is a new queen in Ybella. King Aldus is dead. Mysteriously past away in his sleep..."[/i] Her hallucinations and dreams taunted her on end. Aezilia was alive. She was the new queen of Ybella. During her time of need, Fate took pity on her and blessed her with Deep Magic and guided her to a group of bandits/gypsies nearby. She followed the group of bandits to their hideout, and they accepted her into their gang. They taught her how to survive the harshness of the desert, but to always listen to the winds and the sands. The bandits worshipped both Yumar and Silv, so they taught her how to properly pray and give offerings. [/hider]