[b]Over the Metropark Zoo[/b] At an altitude of about eight hundred feet, a massive Golden Eagle was in flight. She was currently looking for food, preferably fish or rabbit but she was not terribly picky. Considering her insticts were running things the giant eagle really did not care. Of course the Eagle was not really an eagle but the former Francine Fowler that was caught in the White Rain. The close to twenty foot wings helped keep the anthromorphic eagle woman aloft. Below she heard a commotion. She was ridding a thermal and glided as she watched with her amazing eyes what. Was going on down below. Of course many below that were not preoccupied would have noticed the massive bird woman overhead. However, she was more interested in observing. It was for a moment as if Francine popped up from the depth of her own mind and saw what was happening below and grew curious.