Men and women from all across the lands have come to the Shifting Isle. The Arena of Nations. The entire island is surrounded by a tall steel wall, in which the spectators watch through mage glass. The isle can be dense jungle, rolling mountains or misty marshland. All of its 100km high and 150km wide land an opportunity, never the same. Each individual must put their name down, 10 heads per nation ( with the exception of the Gru'lugash two headed warriors ). Every 10 years the Arena is the only thing anyone talks about. They may choose to team up with others, or fight on their own. Groups can be no more than 4 strong. 12 nations. 120 competitors. A last-man standing (or woman) prize of 100,000 gold pieces. The betting on the outcome gives staggering profits to the Yellow Vale - who host the event. As such they love to make things interesting with monsters and dangers scattered over the Isle. BASICALLY HUNGER GAMES BUT BETTER (IF THATS POSSIBLE) Let me know of any interest?