While it's not against the rules or anything to totally BS about your looks and who you are, as a word to the wise it generally will get caught because RP'ers tend to be familiar with the concept of playing a role and can usually spot the inconsistencies in a story (or just reverse google a pic). It's also not against the rules to necessarily out someone either. In a sense, the faked pics thing is a negative because it reinforces personal self-loathing while making everyone else think that uber-beautiful is the norm (no offense to legitimately hot people like [@Ruby], since I also know that you didn't feel that way at the age range of many current guild users anyway) and encouraging their sense of self-loathing to boot. It's a two for one sale on self-loathing. Policy of truth is the best policy. If you feel insecure about your looks, I'd say, first off, don't. Because there are plenty of people in that boat, especially on here. But beyond that, you can always take a negative and turn it into a positive. I exercise twice a day trying to knock off weight I've always carried around since puberty. It's a pain in the ass but it shows results and keeps me going. But the result of that isn't that I look better, it's that I feel better and that confidence carries over. It's the hard way to do it, but it's immensely satisfying. Like I said, no rules against it but I implore you to reconsider what sort of message pretending to be some uber-attractive person sends across to other people. It might get you a little drooling admiration around here but it's a short term fix and a long term liability, especially since some players take one look and go, "Bullshit." That carries over into their unwillingness to RP with you.