[h2]Shirai Kuroko[/h2] Unfortunately, the data trail for whatever had supposedly (yet not actually, if this was indeed the person in question) killed Jun turned cold quickly: it had been some small lab involved in AIM research, and consequently its destruction had been of little enough impact that nobody had really made a big fuss about it. Exactly why a place investigating something so non-volatile had detonated apparently wasn't worth investigating--either a cover-up, or so obvious at the time that it hadn't been recorded in the available files. Then, of course, there was the other problem: Saten jumping to a conclusion that could in no reasonable way be supported, "The idea of it being a ghost rather than this delinquent surviving is laughable. Moreover, we have no evidence that he is linked to the recent disappearances." Or leads, without going through the alleys themselves--all they could do is wait for something more to happen.