[center][h2][color=Red]Lee Kyger-Ifrit[/color][/h2][/center] [b]Outside Cleveland Metroparks Zoo[/b] It's seemed that the armor lady would not see reason. She was defending the villain as she shot at others, how she could be comfortable with that, he did not no. Lee glanced around and took in the gravity of the situation they were in at the moment. The Blue Giant was being attacked by penguins, which should have been easy dealt with. There rock girl was attacked by hundred of flying bugs, which was a fate that Lee really did not want to experience. He was not sure what to do, he could have just burned them both to kingdom come, but the situation would become worse at that point. Suddenly was roar of anger startled him. He looked up towards the sky and watched as the Dragon shot out a stream of fire. It was so powerful, and scary, Lee jumped back a few feet, making sure he dodged the whole thing. He felt bad for the armor girl and the animal woman, fighting a dragon would defiantly not be fun. Another yell attracted Lee's attention, the Blue guy was about to elbow the shit out of the animal lady and Armor girl, they were in for quiet a surprise. "What's the point anymore?" Lee mumbled to himself angrily. she had basically ignored them both and had her reinforcements come and help her. She had been buying time, drones and troopers who has been summoned to help her most likely had arrived. He and the heroes were badly out numbered. Lee watched the armor girl closely as she commanded her lackeys to attack whoever she was attacking, which was him. He immediately transformed and jumped into the air, fire surrounded his body like a shield as he flew. He need to think for a few seconds, Lee flew as high as he could, high enough were all the armor ladies lackeys looked like ants. Lee closed his eyes and concentrated, he focused 2 balls fire in his hands. Hundreds of fire energy was forced into a small bright ball of ever growing energy. In these 2 balls, he could easily melt asphalt. Lee fired a beam of fire right down to the armored girl and the animal lady.