As Elderi stared at the shield, he felt a prickling on his left side. Turning, he saw a rather short...thing([@HHShetland]). It sat, with a feather sticking precariously out of its mouth, and its teal eyes were fixed on Elderi. Awkwardly Elderi smiled, taking his right hand from the shield and bringing it around to his left shoulder - he bowed slightly to the being. " [color=6ecff6]Elderi [/color]" he said, [i]always start with your name[/i]. Noting the creatures off worldly looks, the four protruding mounds from its head in particular, Elderi tried to remember the way he had been taught to form a Neuro-synapses joining by his changling friend Mika. [b][i][color=f6989d]May she rest in peace[/color].[/i][/b] It could come in handy for creating a dialogue with the creature. Realising that he was staring rudely at the four mounds, he moved his gaze over the beings staff, no, spear? Magic wand perhaps? No matter what it was - it was a work of art, intricate markings and beautiful care taken into its formation. Elderi respected a weapon that was just as good for looking at as killing with. Elderi smiled once more at the creature, who still stared, just to be as friendly as possible.