[color=#A9F5F2][b]Name:[/b][/color] Chase Dawnshard [color=#A9F5F2][b]Age:[/b][/color] 25 [color=#A9F5F2][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=#A9F5F2][b]Sexual Orientation:[/b][/color] Heterosexual / Demisexual [color=#A9F5F2][b]Role in Society:[/b][/color] Noble [color=#A9F5F2][b]Occupation:[/b][/color] Ranger, works for the Guild [color=#A9F5F2][b]Legend:[/b][/color] Hushed whispers and talks all speak about this being living in Zlore, dissension occurs when discussion of his morality is spoken. One story says that this being is so fast that [i]it[/i] would leave as quickly as it entered, and a trail of dead bodies would follow. Adventurers around would travel to Zlore to try and test their skills, only to be met with deep slashes or not come back at all. There are a name few who had claimed to be saved and all they could see was a shadow going through the assailants and sounds of a sword being clashing then dead silence would soon follow, opening their eyes would be a clutter of bodies, all with the look of fear in their dead eyes. Others mention that he can't be trusted as he's unpredictable and a rogue element in Zlore. All they do know is that his swordsmanship may be unparalleled in all of Zlore, with but a name few. [color=#A9F5F2][b]Appearence Picture:[/b][/color] [hider=Chase][img]http://blog.friendster.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Human-Warrior.png[/img][/hider] [b]Appearence:[/b] A few scars here and there, running amock his body. Has a particular scart that runs his across his left eye. [color=#A9F5F2][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Chase is a kind and gentle person, he generally likes to deal quips and likest to banter with his close friends, usually with a grin or smirk. He finds it easy to socialize with other people of different ages. He would also usually try and go out of his way to help people in need, something people don't expect a noble to do, because of this he is well known and relatively respected amongst the commoners. During times of duress and battle, he takes a quiet and analytical psyche where he would try and assess the situation and do things based on analysis rather than emotional, though sometimes his emotions get the better of him. [color=#A9F5F2][b]Skills:[/b][/color] •Master Swordsman: Under the tutelage of his father and the guild, and after arduous training, he had achieved mastery over the sword, preferring to duel wield longswords or scimitars •Master Martial Prowess: His father had strictly warned him that a swordsman without his weapon, is a dead one, so he was taught how to fight without a sword. After years of training, it had become his second most honed skill. •Expert Stealth: The Guild requires usage of stealth to further their missions and so has taught Chase the art of Stealth. •Expert Analysist: Under the mindset set by his father, he always takes an analytical approach to battles, but is sometimes hindered by his emotional state. •Journeyman Parkour/Stamina His self training had increased his stamina and has generally been able to get through relatively harsh terrain. •Apprentice Marksmanship: While his father thinks Bows are for cowards who can't fight, he still thinks that bows are useful to an extent. [color=#A9F5F2][b]Combat Flaws:[/b][/color] •Unpredictable opponents: Chase has a problem with opponents who changes their moves erratically, he finds it difficult to keep adjusting how to fight unpredictable opponents. •Resilience: While he is able to take a few hits, he focuses on speed rather than resilience, causing a lot of people to be more resilient than him. [color=#A9F5F2][b]Personality Flaws:[/b][/color] •Merciful: Chase is regarded as a fool by his peers for being merciful-to a fault. •Trusting: He is also trusting to his closest friends, not really doubting them. •Cooking: He always seems to burn whatever meal he is cooking, cookable or otherwise. [color=#A9F5F2][b]Magic Spells:[/b][/color] The Dawnshard family has been allowed to dabble in some Weave magic, approved by the Fallenrun •Stutter Step: Augments his speed, making him look like a 'specter' •Disarm: Makes the enemy unable to use their weapon for a moment. [color=#A9F5F2][b]Abilities:[/b][/color] •Legendary Swordsmanship: Since this is his most honed and focused skill, it would undoubtedly be laced with Deep Magic. ~Lightning Step: An improvised version of his stutter step, increases his speed, limited to bursts. Slow enough for the eyes to see but trained masters have difficulty catching up. Sounds of thunder can be heard when this skill is used. ~Dancing Blades: Blades made of magic energy materialize to help Chase ~Eleventh-Hour: A last ditch effort to use when Chase is in danger, this ability pushes him the brink of his body, greatly increasing his speed, overall power and stamina. After two minutes of use, it causes Chase to be knocked out for half a day. •Legendary Martial prowess: His second most honed tenant, it would also be laced with Deep Magic. ~Dashing blow: Rushes to an enemy and dealing a swift strike to the solar plexus, stunning the enemy for a brief while. ~Seven sided blows: Hits the enemy seven times, in a short time span. [color=#A9F5F2][b]Backstory:[/b][/color] Being born into nobility, most of Chase's childhood was mostly rotten, had it not been the rather rough intervention of his father, he still would've have been spoiled in present day. After the day of the intervention, Chase had become more quiet and kinder than usual, which shocked the people around him. Being part of the Dawnshard family, he always had a penchant for swordsmanship always asking his father to train him in the art. Though his father initially refused due to his age, he had slowly started to train him at the age of 14. His father frequently gave snide remarks about how ironic it was that he had no talent for the sword and yet was a part of Dawnshard, even his peers began to jest at him. While his psyche did take a blow, the jests and quips made his resolve ever stronger and more firm, he would train whenever he had the chance, sneaking out at dusk to self train. His father had also made him join the ever elusive 'Rangers' guild. After months of training, even with little talent,his ever increasing prowess with the sword caught the attention and jealousy of his peers, and they set off to sabotage his crucible, which was an integral part of training. They set up traps and purposely provoked the monsters in the area to try and deter him from passing the crucible. The Crucible day came, all his peers had a pretentious smirk, and most of them giving him false 'Good lucks'. Days passed and Chase comes out, with an entire new look on his face, finishing his apparent objective. Chase spoke little of his experience, only becoming distant when it's mentioned. His skills had vastly improved, being able to match the strongest pupil of the Guild, much to the dismay of his fellow peers. Throughout his training, his peers had always resented him for different reasons, though Chase didn't let this get to him, he was pretty much ostracized in the Guild. Years later he had finally become a full fledged member. Perhaps it was his tenacious resolve of not giving into the jests of his peers or his willingness to accept his skill and improve, Perhaps it was another thing Jergal saw in Chase, but he had bestowed his blessing of Deep Magic to Chase, something Chase was happy, yet confused about.