[img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/8de8783b5e58a863c66b2fb2588fc2de/tumblr_nfqarlseTV1rvnozuo1_1280.jpg[/img] Name- Captain Gideon Gold Age- 23 Alias/Nickname- Captain Gold Personal Quote/Motto- “If it ain’t yours… steal it anyways.” Personality- Gideon is a very arrogant young man. He is a womanizer and loves rum. He cannot stand parrots, which is why he never allows birds on his boat. He has a very short temper. Once you actually get to know Gideon, it shows that he just wants to fit in with everyone else. He wants to have a place in the world because he feels like he doesn’t. He loves dogs and going swimming. He loves his boat as well as steering it more than anything. He likes to get drunk more often than not. He hates people who claim that they are pirates when they are really not and he also hates armies, navies, anything that has to do with the Royal Family. He hates people who think that they are better than him, i.e. Royals. He is very loyal to his crew and tries to be fair, even with his short temper. He also sticks to what he believes in and makes sure that everyone believes what he believes as well. He is not a God fearing man, but he does believe that people should fear him. History- Gideon grew up with a poor family. They owned a bar on the docks and each night they always had pirates walking into their bar. Gideon found pirates fascinating because of how rich they were most of the time and how much free time they had on their hands. One night, when his parents were asleep, Gideon, who was fifteen at the time, stole away in the night and went to join a group of pirates who had offered him a job as their cabin boy. Gideon steadily rose through the ranks becoming first mate by the time he was eighteen. They went on many adventures, searching for treasure, looking for mermaids, even raiding a few villages. Once they were on searching for the Fountain of Youth, though, the captain went a little mad and all in all, they left him on the final island that he took them to and Gideon took over as Captain of the Shadow’s Dust pirate ship. He was captain for four years until he made one small mistake against the pirate lords. His crew was taken from him. For a year, he bounced from island to island, drinking at local bars, wasting his life away, until he realized that to get his crew back, he needed to do something incredible. Get something so large that he could offer it to the pirate lords as penance for his crimes against them. That’s when he heard of a temple, deep in the forest on a faraway island that held a mighty treasure. And this is where our story begins. Skills/Weapons- Gideon, after growing up in a bar and around a bunch of pirates, is very skilled in hand to hand combat. Just as well, he is very skilled with a saber and a pistol. He is one of the best shots from his home down. He is also an amazing acrobat, very nimble and spree. He is also very athletic.