Ella was fighting the affect of Deaths dual origin, as it tried to eat through her spear. But Death was weakened by the separation of Alysis, she was fighting with two origins but only one source. Ella was feeding off Gabby, even the very concept of Death's dual origin was regarded by Ella's Gemini origin. The flames of the spear battled with the bolt death had sent her way. "Death does come for us all, and fear it not I shall, but you are a facsimile of death itself, I am the Gemini by it's definition I live on in others, you shall forever be alone!" Ella shouted, thrusting and trying to strike at Death, ignoring the lightening that was crackling around her. But she knew she wouldn't be able hold the other horsemen, but she wasn't going to give up. Rubber and Venetus were still battling Claudia's berserker, and they were being out out played by his dexterity. He was being charged also by an Alumni card and no doubt the gentleman's prana still clung around. ------- Vincent looked to the others. "You can stay here, but while those psycho versions of us are trying to hack us to bits, I'm going to go to Izanami, I've already sold my soul to Rhea, my origin stolen by Tia, what is my secrets to Izanami. Nicola?" He said turning to her. "Alright I'm in, if only to get Gram back. You guys?" Nicola said asking the others. ------- "I like your style, sure I don't have a lovely lancer servant, but that is because I don't need one. Onwards then." Shoshin said smiling as she started to walk towards the door that would take them to the Isis quad and their first test of getting into the Isis dorms would begin.