Without lifting her head Astrape blindly waved her hand back and forth across the bar before finally finding her second tankard of Battery Blitzer. Slowly her fingers crept up the side, taking hold of the sparkling swizzlers and lifting them pout of the acid, electricity rippling over her hand and soaking into her skin as she did. Bringing her hand down, she wriggled it through her hair until she finally found her face. Sucking hard on the swizzlers, feeling the last of the electrical charge dissipating over her tongue, Astrape quickly bit down on the metal rods, chewing them happily as she slowly began to feel herself again. Once she had finished with her little treat AStrape found the strength she needed to push herself up in her seat, swaying gently as she looked at her fellow patrons, her hair standing out as a tangled mess around her face. Pretending that everything was normal, and that things like this happened to her everyday, which in a way was true, Astrape reached for her tankard of acid and carefully lifted it to her mouth. Holding the handle steadily, with her pinkie pointing outwards just as her mother had always taught her, the lightning goddess took a careful sip before lowering the mug once more.