[@thewizardguy] "....." Minx flicks a finger, and lifts Mia into the air, gently. "I'm just wanting to stay here...alone......With Kevin." She says, hugging Raiden, affection being quite obvious. To Mia, Raiden would seem odd...a puppet shell, maybe formerly a person, but now something which had been molded by Minx, in her current delirium. Honey tilts her head to the side, slightly, confused. She sniffs one of the impact points, and then licks it. Slowly, her monstrous form changes back to normal, the sheer confusion over-riding her berserk. "....Why...would you use cucumbers as ammunition?" She asks, quietly, utterly confused. Quickly, as her troops round up the incapacitated wasps, or as many as they could, she rushes over. "You there, Princess, hands up." Delta calls out, vector arrow ready to slice into Honey's body. Honey raises her arms, and gulps. "...Well...this is...a...odd...experience. First, getting shot at with cucumbers, next getting held up by a clone with long blond hair, and yellow eyes...." Honey says. [@Teoinsanity] "Oh, no no no my friends..I'm just connected is all. Your leader caused a stir, helping kill that deamon and all that....my father even mentioned him in a conversation on the subject. Afterwards, I decided to keep an eye on him, and to an extent, you." Ozzy says, smiling. "Oh, and forgive them, they prefer if the clips in their weapons are empty moments after loading them...." "Well, I guess...thanks for the save, but I think I should get g-" Saeid starts, before a rather large guard grunts at him, and he just sighs. "...What do you want with me?" "Nothing much.....just wish to make a deal." Ozzy says, grinning evilly. Melody and Brown would know, just from that grin, this would not end well.