Mithias stopped short as a wall of ice formed in front of him. He was going to have to use his pyrokinesis more than ever before. Calling the dimension sword again, he concentrated an aura of heat into it, using it as a focus for his supernatural gift. He frantically plunged the sword into the ice. Using the heat from Alucard, his own will, and a lucky strike by one of the flaming Ewoks, the icewall half melted and then shattered, letting Mithais continue his approach, but this time, he was going for Alucard. Bits of shattered rock were no deterrant to the determined vampire as he closed in. Alucard reformed his arm cannon and fired at Bob. Singed flowers rained ash, explosions and fairies burst into existance all around him, but Mithias attacked head on. Using his heat control to shield himself from the radiance, he attacked Alucard from behind, shattering the glasslike oxygen wings explosively and cutting into Alucard with his honed hot edge before the overpowered wackjob could negate the sword again. Mithias was forcing Alucard to split his attention, for the moment, but that alone was not his goal. The Jiguntou was once again shattered, and Mithias was mockingly slashed at and burned by Alucard, but he latched on and wouldn't let Alucard throw him off. The soul-eating blade was still an option, but if Mithias used it, it would in essence mean killing himself, unresurrectable soul-death, in some form or another. He really didnt' want to do that. Not yet. There was one more thing he had to try first. Alucard continued to focus on killing Bob while Mithias struggled to stop him. Forming a blade out of his right hand, Mithias stabbed deeply into Alucard from his back. Surely he jested, for what could that possibly do to Alucard aside from a little pain and annoyance? The blood from their wounds mingled, cells recognizing cells and suddenly, Alucard realized Mithias' plan too late. Mithias liquified his body into blood and melded directly into Alucard, healing the two into one being. From inside Alucard, he could hear Mithias. "You're mine Alucard. You were always me, and therefore, your body also obeys MY will!" Outwardly Alucard would struggle against himself as Mithias wrestled wills for control. "You will not kill my friends!" Alucard called out, "Bob! I've got him! Now!"