[quote=@Ruby] I was a hideous teenage girl. All knees and elbows and big brown eyes. My little sister is a teenager, and she's gorgeous, but even she has self confidence issues. Everyone, at any age really, has them. THAT is the norm, not attractive happy people. Guys like Tundra, Sep, I'm glad I get the chance to tell them how cute they look! A) They are. B) They need to hear it. Everyone needs to hear it. Don't think I've told Seuss how handsome I think he is? I have. He took the compliment awkwardly, but dammit, he took it. ^_^ It's a [u]roleplaying[/u] Guild. The social aspect of it is just as important to the Guild's success as the actual roleplaying, but in all things balance. And you do nothing but damage to yourself and your good time on the Guild if you start lying about who you are, what you are, what you look like. In the Guild, pale nerdy boys become just as awesome to spend time with as attractive latin women. Heck, to a lot of people, I was that girl that Jorick knew. And that was fine with me: Jorick was honest, witty, and genuine, even in discussing himself and his life. There's no greater joy after all my time on the Guild then being connected with guys like Jorick, HeySeuss, Sini, etc. And guess what? None of them ever felt the desire to lie about their appearance. To quote a favorite band of mine: "Why would you lie about something dumb like that?" The genuine and honest will ALWAYS be more popular on the Guild than the false and dishonest. If for no other reason, the Guild is filled with cynical people who see through the false and dishonest, and just don't waste their time on it. [/quote] who would pretend to be me? :P I mean [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/10428090_10204823552165900_8386189957465821843_n.jpg?oh=933bb6ce4674f51d84d480270fc811ff&oe=55F74C20&__gda__=1441870596_26c6a56731ebc9fce468b9a25d0cca37[/img]