[center] Appearance: [img]http://images5.fanpop.com/image/answers/390000/390590_1337464903516_400_300.jpg[/img] [hider=Seraphim Form Reference pic-ignore the clothes and blade] [img]http://community.gtarcade.com/attachments/image/month_1408/20140825_248311409000506.jpg[/img] [/hider] Name: Caelus Infernum [h3]Basics[/h3] Gender: Male Age: 19 Height: 6'1 Weight: 182 Hair color: (Default) Blonde, (Seraphim Mode) Golden Blonde and bears slight luminescence, (Demon Mode) Dark Blonde with streaks of black runnung through it Eye color: (Default) Dark Blue, (Seraphim Form) Golden with white pupils, (Demon Form) Black with blazing red, slitted pupils Skin tone: Light brown-ish tan Figure: Lean and fit, though slightly under fed Race: Nephilim [h3]Powers[/h3] [color=Gold]Flames of Heaven:[/color] Caelus is able to conjure and command the golden fires of heaven, which take the form of golden lighting in his hands. He can make constructs out of it or wield it directly, and it is used best for smiting foes from mid to long range with pinpoint accuracy and high damage, and while it has some use in CQC, it's not the specialty. Another aspect of this ability is that it inflicts an increase damage against demons, users of dark or unholy magic, basically any thing that isn't either neutral or good in base nature. (Examples being Demons, Vampires, Necromancers, etc.) [color=9e0b0f]Hellfire Manipulation:[/color] Due to the Demonic corruption with in his soul, he's able to use the black and blue fires of hell, which excels in all out destruction at close range. Like with the Divine Lightning, he can choose to wield them directly or form them into constructs, though hellfire constructs tend to be much more crude and volatile. They also can do enhanced damage to beings on the side of light or good, beings such as Angels, Clerics, etc. [color=Gold][b]Blood of the Seraphim[/b][/color]: His mother was a Seraphim, one of the four head angels incharge of governing their realm, and this gives his body special bonuses. His blood, for one, has healing properties in it that not only make him immune to normal diseases, but also can be used to help heal wounds of others as well, euther by having them i gest it(which is nore effective in the long run) or adminstering it directly to the wound(best for when they are near fatal or heavily serious wounds). It can also be distilled into potions as well, so as to make the process less disgusting and morbid. However, his blood is equivalent to poison undead creatures such as zombies and vampires. To Ghosts and spirits, though, it's only mildly painful, and would still have a healing effect on them. His body is also a bit more resilient to both physical attacks and those that use dark or unholy magics. [h3]Weakness[/h3] [u][b]Lack of Internal balance:[/b][/u] Caelus' Angelic and Demon sides are constantly at war with each other, and while he usually is able to handle the strain, there will be moments where it can become too much to for him, causing him to suffer from intense headaches, paranoia, and vivid hallucinations. If it gets severe enough, he may even pass out. This also prevents him from being able to use Hellfire and Divine Lightning at the same time. [u][b]Lack of control:[/b][/u] Caelus control over his Angelic and Demon sides is delicate held at best and has been broken numerous times before. There have bern times where he is unable to use his Divine Lightning, or worse, he gets hit by intense feedback energy, which can cause a good amount of damage to him. For Hellfire, the consequences are even worse, cause if he loses control of it, his demon side will take over and begin to go on a rampage, burning everything in it's path to ashes until he's able to reclaim the reigns, though it has been rare the times he's been able to do so on his own. [u][b]Fuk da Police!:[/b][/u] Caelus hates authority figures and people who believe in superiority, and will gladly try to knock them down a peg . . . or three. He's also a teensy bit of an anarchist. [u][b]Better at being bad:[/b][/u] Caelus is more intune to his demon side then Angelic one, despit his want to use neither and generally do good things, which leads to him using it more often, increasing the risk of him going berserk [u][b]Demon rage:[/b][/u] While using his demon powers, Caelus becomes much easier to bait and enrage, his emotions being fueled by the demonic energies, which in turn feed on the emotions to sustain themselves. [u][b]Instability:[/b][/u] Caelus' powers are too unstable, which means he can't instantly switch between his Divine Lighting use and his hellfire use. It takes him around a minute and a half of concentration in order to make the switch, leaving him vulnerable to attack. [u][b]Abomination:[/b][/u] Caelus is treated worse by most Angels then other Nephilim due to the sheer fact that not only is he the half-breed child of one of their leaders, a disgrace upon all Angels in their eyes, but he also bears the taint of a demon upon his soul. His presence is likely to be repulsive to all angels, and possibly others of his own kind, for he is the worst of all abominations. He's been the number one target for extermination by the Angels charged with doing so, and they are relentless in their pursuit of him. So much is their hatred for his very existence that anyone caught or throughout to be harboring him will be submitted to the fiery wrath of the heavens. [h3]Personality[/h3] A life on the run from the forces of heaven and hell have made it so that Caelus isn't one to form connections and bonds with people easily, as many people that he grew to befriend found themselves either killed or the lives destroyed by getting caught in the cross fire of his battles with those who hunted him. This has led him to become slightly isolated from most people, and try to keep on the move, avoiding staying anywhere for to long less the wrath of heaven come down upon it. This has also made him emotionally distant from most people he meets, even those he desperately wants to help, for fear of making them targets for those who would use such allies against him. This is hard for him, as he is at heart a social, kind-hearted person, once always eager to help his fellow man, he know ways everything on a scale of risk and reward. His life is generally unpleasant, and he has taken to blaming the powers he was born with, or in his darker moments, his parents, for all of his current troubles, and seeks a way to be rid of them, wanting nothing else than to live a quiet life free from any excitement or true conflict. [h3]Background[/h3] Caelus is the son of a Seraphim, which gives him the ability to use the Divine Flame of heaven(or Divine Lightning, since it takes the form of electricity), but this has made him a much contested resource between demons and Angels due to it's latent abilities. The angels had been planning to harness the Divine Lightning, with Michael being in charge of handling him, deciding to not kill Caelus, but lock him away until his powers became strong enough, then use the Divine Lightning to seal away Lucifer. However, the fallen one gets wind of this and sends his forces to stop it, taking the child for himself. He then waits for it to properly mature after a few years before he attempts to do the same, take the power and harness it himself to use against the heavens. Before the Ritual can be finished, the angels launch an offense on Lucifer in order to destroy Caelus, who is stolen away from the chaos of the ensuing conflict by Lily's Mother, Melody, before leaving him in the hands of a family somewhere int the world in hopes that he can live a happy life. The ritual leaves a taint on Caelus' soul, which survives and grows by feeding off the holy energy of the Divine lightning, eventually becoming the substance now known as Hellfire. Then the rest of his life on the run as both Heaven and Hell chase after him begins. [/center]