Vanessa walked out of the a little coffee house with a hot coco to go in her hand as she smelled blood and she knew it wasn't a humans blood. She closed her eyes and dropped her hot coco in a trashcan then started to run, following the sent of blood that clearly hang in the air. She saw someone pass her by with a very beaten up body in his hands and did take a step back. Seeing this brought her back to the day her sister and she had been captured by some very scary hunter, normally she never would say hunters where scary but this one was. He was the kind that liked to torture his 'precious wolves' before killing them. Her sister had taken a lot from that before she died and before he would turn to the next wolf, Vanessa herself. She shook her head and looked around, where was the one that did this? She hadn't smelled silver on the body so she looked around and saw a junkyard. Maybe there? She became careful now and entered the yard looking up and around. ''Hello?'' she said and then repeated saying Hello, she didn't speak very loud but loud enough to be heard by human and werewolf.