Okay, I'm late to the party, but. Better late than never, right? I will be using the six-trait power write rubric that I use in English class. The rubric is shown as follows: [hider=rubric] [b]Ideas:[/b] Themes and the like. Supporting details. Did they paint a picture in my mind? [b]Organization:[/b] Did your story flow well? it's less concrete here than it is in English class, obviously, but, the main question is: Were the ideas enhanced or inhibited by the organization of the story? [b]Voice:[/b] Was the narration of your story consistent? Did it seem realistic, or like a robot talking in monotone? [b]Word Choice:[/b] How did your words enhance the story? Did they help to paint a picture in my head? [b]Sentence Fluency:[/b] Self-explanatory. Did your story or poem flow well? [b]Conventions:[/b] This one is a biggie. I find grammatical errors, when not used for effect, to absolutely irritate me. [b]Overall Impressions and Score:[/b] Self-explanatory. Points are given on a scale of 1-4. 4 is the best and 1 is the worst, and I will include an explanation of why I gave each specific score. [/hider] I’m starting with poetry because the poets need some love. [hider=Diane Pegasus] [@Darcs] [b]Ideas:[/b] I give a 2 for ideas. I sense that there’s some really good, really deep meaning here, but I can’t fathom it. It just… doesn’t make sense. I tend to find the best poetry to be concrete and this is incredibly abstract. Your idea is original which is why I give you the extra point, but the way you execute the details is impossible for me to comprehend. Not that it’s a bad thing, it just… didn’t ring with me. [b]Organization:[/b] I give a 3 for organization. I don’t understand why there are so many linebreaks; you could have done just as well with one or two long stanzas. In addition, the thought process seems kind of spaced-out and nonsensical. [b]Voice:[/b] Voice I give a 4. It’s a very unique poem. Even though I don’t understand the meaning of the poem, the voice is consistent and elegant throughout. [b]Word Choice:[/b] I give a 4 for word choice as well; you use such a wonderful, varied vocabulary in this poem, kind of an eclectic mix of modern and colloquial English and other languages (Spanish?) that fits with the eclectic style of the poem. [b]Sentence Fluency:[/b] I give a 4 for sentence fluency. The rhythm and rhyme scheme seems kind of eclectic, like it’s not really got one definite meter that I can find. But it fits with the writing style. [b]Conventions:[/b] Agh… I give a 3.5 for conventions. Just one line caught my eye and really irritated me more than any one mistake really should. “The Worlds capitalist ambrosia” should either all be capitalized for effect, or “worlds” should be lowercase. Also, the lack of apostrophe “world’s” really bothered me. It’s genitive singular, not nominative plural. [b]Overall Impressions and Score:[/b] 20.5/24. Overall this is an idea that I don’t really comprehend all that well, but it was executed fabulously. Nicely done, Darcs![/hider] ~currently working on the other ones and will update as time goes on, just wanted to let you people know that miraculously I actually haven't forgotten about this!~