[center][h1][color=slategray]Thalia Rayne[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h2]Gymnasium[/h2][/center] [center][h3]With Charles Faust[/h3][/center] The girl nodded in response to his agreement and she looked back over at him, this time just a little less hostile.[color=slategray] “We can just tell them I broke it. They’d believe it.” [/color]She said with a hint of amusement beginning to unwrap her hands just as the horrible twang of music came from the group and she looked over at them, her ponytail whipping through the air as she spun, fury in her deep red eyes again. [color=slategray]“Stop playing your stupid music in the god damn gym!”[/color]Her voice echoed through the gym and several of the basketball team members stopped to stare at her as the room dropped into a sudden silence that pressed against her like a rag on her face back when she was younger and she was kidnapped for the first time. She could still smell the coliform and knew that that was just the beginning of her hatred of humanity and her quest of both self-destruction and the ruination of as many as she could get her hands on. At this point she’d never touch someone without hurting them; without blinking, no doubt. She teeth ground together and she had to stop herself from stepping any further forward than she had, her right hand curled into a fist and her left looking as if it was ready to pluck the knife from beneath her shorts. Thalia thought about how it felt to part flesh with that knife, to carve someone’s face until they wouldn’t ever forget who had done this to them, who had beaten them or killed their wife for being a bitch. Usually it was a criminal she found, from one her underground circles, though she had to admit, she loved the sound of an innocent begging her for mercy after they had shown her that there was nothing good about them either. She didn’t care who it was, so long as they weren’t a child or a complete innocent; her favourites were cheaters though. The raven haired woman shook her head and turned away then, her gaze downcast and her shoulders stiff as she walked passed Charles again.[color=slategray] “The roof.” [/color]She answered his question as she walked toward the women’s change room again to put on her jeans and jacket once more. Inside the room the woman stripped and showered, washing the sweat and blood from her body that she hadn’t gotten to before she left the previous morning she yowled in frustration and slammed her fist against the shower wall which ended in her biting her lip in pain. She really did have a bad habit of acting out in such impulsiveness and it often that got her in trouble though, admittedly, Thalia never care much about it. For some odd reason though, this boy was getting on her nerves and annoying her more than the average person; he was strong obviously, and smart. He was what her parents would have wanted her with in the first place, before she’d started fighting just to die in the ring. [color=slategray]”Fucking system. Fucking parents. Fucking boys. Why can’t anything just let me die?” [/color]Thalia turned off the water and dried herself off, not caring that she was keeping the boy waiting as she pulled on her clothes again. Outside the locker room she pulled on her boots and waited just outside the gymnasium’s main doorway with her back against the wall and her arms crossed. [@KaiserAuto] [hr]