“Not long, actually.” Ghirn answered as he activated the holographic screen of the computer built into his wristband. “All of the information we gathered gave us a pretty solid lead. These rebels went through quite a lot to cover their tracks and hide their allegiances, but it seems chance is on our side for this one. The weapons they are using are of all types. Some of the more advanced ones seem to have been stolen, as they carry their registration information, but others, particularly the ballistic weapons, are entirely unmarked. We’re having others follow up on leads from the registered weapons, but for you, we have something on the unmarked guns. It seems one of their weapon shipments had been found, then tagged and allowed to go through. According to the information from the tracker, the shipment passed through the city of…” Ghirn began, checking his screen briefly. “Paris, on the Human homeworld.” “Hmm, Paris. I know a chef from there.” Rareth commented, though she really didn’t know where she was going with the statement, as it didn’t help in the slightest. “Indeed, they are known for their cuisine.” Ghirn commented with a slight chuckle as he closed the screen on his device. “You all will be both the investigation and strike teams. Obviously, some of your skills will apply more directly to aspects of the mission, but all of you will be needed at some point. You need to find the source of these weapons and recover any information you can on who these rebels might have been working with. Some of the information from the station is still being analyzed, but we should have some more specific information for you in a day or two.”