Thalassa watched as the seal gulped up the slippery fish. He barked happily, tossing his head back once he was done. His breath smelled heavily of the fish he had freshly consumed. [b]"[color=pink]That's good Splatter[/color]"[/b] she purred, her voice was soft and music like. Melodic like the whistle that came from her flute. She rubbed his stomach gently, his flubber dry and warm against her finger tips. Splatter purred happily, his eyes closing slowly. Thalassa watched him with her kind pink eyes. Enjoying that he was pleased by her help. [b]"[color=pink]I'll be right back boy, I just want to explore, alright?[/color]"[/b] She said as she lifted out of the water to give him a kiss on the forehead. Splatters throat rumbled with a sad whimper. His eyes opening with a look so pitiful it made her regret thinking of leaving him. But the ocean was waiting for her. With cracks and caves in the coral's filled with beautiful fish and different artifacts of a different time. The lure of curiosity tugged at her, it was here, and only in this coral reef, where she willed to explore. Safe from danger, and the prying eyes of those who would judge her. [b]"[color=pink]I'll be back with a special treat,[/color]"[/b] she promised [b]"[color=pink]Is that a good enough compromise?[/color]"[/b] At the idea of a treat, the creatures eyes widened with excitement and wonder. She could tell that his mouth was watering at the prospect. He nodded his goofy head in happy agreement. Thalassa laughed, her laugh soft and light on the eat. [b]"[color=pink]Alright Splatter[/color]"[/b] she said as she pulled back into the water [b]"[color=pink]I will be back[/color]"[/b] [@Legion02] There was something in the water. Something different than ever before. Thalassa could feel it as she emerged from the hidden tunnel. Swimming slowly up the ravine, she moved with caution. This feeling was strange. Negative waves washed over the coral city. And the fish that normally bustled through the corals were no where to be seen. Her stomach prickled with fear, something was wrong. Glancing back to the darkness of the ravine. She thought for a moment to return back to Splatter. And to wait out this barrenness. But who knew how long that could be... Maybe it would be best to get to the kingdom and come back with a few guards to investigate