Here's the bio for [@Natty]'s roommate. [hider=My Hider] Name: Christian Lloyd Alias: The Blur Age: 18 Gender: Male Sexuality: Bisexual Appearance: [img][/img] Christian stands at approximately six feet even. He usually wears a graphic t-shirt or a simple wife beater and jeans. He also usually carries a backpack around that's filled with snacks for him to eat. When he doesn't have his backpack you can guarantee that his pants have something for him to snack on. Powers: Super Speed: Christian's mutant ability revolves around speed. He can run at insane speeds and his current average is mach 2. He still has room for improvement and it's possible for him to run faster in moments of stress or increased adrenaline. His power over speed provides him with different things. His wounds heal much faster than a normal human, but slower than a mutant whose power is strictly regeneration. He's sure he can't regrow limbs, but isn't sure if he could re-attach them. He honestly doesn't even want to find out. Christian's speed would be deadly for him if he wasn't able to react to things at his speed. This doesn't mean he can't be caught off-guard, because he can. He also can adapt to g-force. He also has an accelerated thought process allowing him to essentially think faster than normal people and other mutants. At the moment he can't vibrate his molecules through solid objects. He also has an increased metabolism that requires him to eat all the time to sustain his energy. The more energy that he uses the slower he gets until he recharges again. Bio: Christian had a normal life. He didn't start gaining his powers until his twelfth birthday and even then he could hide his powers pretty well. Even before he had his powers he had a habit of always arriving somewhere late. People tended to call him out on that and even gave him nicknames surrounding it. It didn't really bother him though. Puberty hit Christian like a truck of awesome. He was at the mall with some friends his Freshman year of High School and he was approached by some agent for some modeling agency that saw potential in him. At first he thought it was some scam to get his money, but he realized that he actually looked really good and people took note of it. Even before then he never had problems finding someone to date. He accepted the agent's offer and became a teen model. He modeled all four years of High School and decided that if he was going to go to College he was going to end up doing it somewhere like the Grinder. Maybe he could fully come out as a mutant while he's there. The first bisexual mutant model. Boy would tumblr break from the news. [/hider] Also. I'm sorry to see you go [@DaDrummer676]. You can always return if you end up wanting to.