[@ThatWeirdChick] Ichka Tomari Match Office "When it comes to you my beloved Momo; I have no limits. I...really don't know how I can make this any more clear; I'm willing to do [i]absolutely anything[/i] that you want me to. Even if it's painful or kinky. Hell, if you wanted to get married right now; my only concerns would be that we're not old enough to do it legally so there not much point, and we don't have the money to fund the kind of wedding that I think you'd want. I'm even willing to [i]cut off my own wings[/i] for you. If that doesn't get my point across, then I don't know what will" Ichika explained, getting a little concerned that Momoko just couldn't seem to grasp what he meant when he said 'anything' Having said his piece, Ichika got to work on filling out his form. He was excited, but also feeling worried 'is it really that hard to believe that I'm willing to do anything for her? Why does she have such a hard time understanding that? Maybe...maybe she's had abusive boyfriends in the past! Well that'll never happen to her again! If anyone tries to hurt even a single hair on her head, then they're getting a broken arm!' he vowed to himself