The Phoenix spotted Tess as she collapsed to the ground, just as a smoke bomb went off by the security guard to whom she had entrusted the body of Uprising. Putting her priorities in order without a second's hesitation, Rose expanded her wings behind her so as to remain aerodynamically stable as she ran towards Tess. Upon reaching the girl, she picked her up, and held her between both of her arms a la Pietà. She swept her wings downward, taking off into the air as soon as they were out of the mall, continuing in pursuit of Dean and Uprising. Once in the air, she spoke to Tess, reassuringly. "I'll take care of you once we've taken care of these two." She flew through the air, without flapping her wings even once, gliding smoothly with the wind. Quickly approaching a speed of 40 mph, she overtook Dean, and quickly overtaking Dean as he ran, and landed softly a few meters in front of him. Setting Tess down on a car, she turned to face Dean as he approached. She held out her left hand in front of her, placing her right hand on the hilt of her sword, while expanding her wings to their full length to discourage Dean from running any further. "Stop running. Set the boy down, and you may be on your way." Casting a sideward glance towards Tess, she silently prayed to any god that might be listening that she wouldn't have to fight the boy. A one sided blade versus a broadsword would not be a fair fight, no matter the skills of the wielders.