[@Pripovednik] [i][b]"El'dri?!"[/b][/i] Tongzka repeated in bewilderment, eyes widened, at the robot's sudden utterance of such an unexpected 'taboo' word. He and the rest of his race were rather prudish like that. Usually Tongzka wasn't particularly surprised when off-worlders would come and start parading around what should remain behind closed doors, but it was particularly surprising hearing that sort of stuff come from an android. But on the plus side, the fact that it knew that word in the first place only served to strengthen his 'reality show' theory. Trying his best to forget what just happened, he chose to make his queries to the robot, as you do with them, as clear and unambiguous as possible, with clarity and with an unemotional yet authoritative voice. [b][i]"Ar-tu."[/i][/b] He addressed the liquid robot bluntly, looking it in its visual receptors. "Ta'ruv-n'bek-intu'nuuvezk. [b]Vrist[/b], luk'nasa-miz? [b]Zekst[/b], yuz'n Porz'l-maka? [b]Vrid[/b], huv'n maz luk'extee?" It was only after he finished his queries that he noticed the robot was eyeing his Thermic Lance, prompting him to hover one hand over one of his chest pockets, just in case it tried anything. Of course, as it soon turned out, this was not necessary, as the robot abruptly turned to another creature, a vaguely humanoid female, and started talking to her in an intimate tone. Tongzka internally cringed, going 'blegh'. This robot couldn't be one of [i][b]those[/b][/i] robots he'd sometimes heard of, could it?