Here's a sample of my character's History: [hider=History]War. War Never Changes. It is now two centuries since the bombs fell, since the world was devastated by the nuclear exchange between the US and China. It has also been more than twenty years since The Courier, in New Vegas, defeated the corrupt New California Republic, the vile Caesar's Legion, and the dictatorial Mr. House...only to found a more corrupt, vile, and dictatorial nation in their place. For in this version of the Fallout world, the Courier had been affected by his injury to the head, causing his thoughts to grow corrupted by lust for power. Now, New Vegas is a nation where every vice can be satisfied, anything and anyone can be bought for the right price, and where masses of slaves toil for the ego of a once-heroic soul now a travesty of himself. Lacrima Monti, named after the Italian word for tears, was born to The Courier and one of his slave concubines, one of many 'Princes' of New Vegas. From the start, he was taught how to rule, how to fight, and how to kill, under the tutelage of the harshest teachers his father can get him. He also had to compete with his other siblings, both male and female, for they learned to betray and backstab each other as soon as they can comprehend the concepts. It was an unhappy life, but Lacrima found solace in his books, and the few kind people in the palace, such as his mentor in history, whose harshness was only a facade, and his nanny and serving maid. So, he found himself with some moments of happiness, and even began to dream of 'fixing' his father's domain. But, this was not to last. For one of his brothers framed Lacrima for trying to poison their father, and The Courier, his anger amplified by his paranoia, had Lacrima[/hider] How should I continue this? Should I have him exiled from New Vegas, or enslaved?