[center] [img]http://s30.postimg.org/nr62gy1b5/Alchemist_name2.png[/img] [/center] [b][color=f26522]Age:[/color][/b] 28 [b][color=f26522]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=f26522]Sexual Orientation:[/color][/b] All of them? [b][color=f26522]Role in Society:[/color][/b] Noble [b][color=f26522]Occupation:[/color][/b] Courtier and Royal Alchemist [b][color=f26522]Appearance:[/color][/b] Height: 5'4" Weight: approx 130lbs. Hair Color: White Eye Color: Dark Brown [b][color=f26522]Legend:[/color][/b] Many of the legends surrounding Saha are contradictory as if describing two different people. Ask any tavern owner in Negotia and they'll tell you of the Mad White Haired Noblewoman who can drink an entire bar under the table [i]and[/i] drain every keg you own in a single night. There are also tales of a benevolent spirit who never frowns and heals the sick. Some say that King Oren captured an angel of Analil to be a member of his court, although certain accounts of that legend also claim that the King seduced the angel rather than capturing it somehow. Others claim that Saha is an incarnation of Analil. Perhaps Saha's personal favorite is the legend of the White Sage who watches over the weak and protects the innocent. They say she has eyes that can see into the deepest reaches of your heart, ears that can hear the truth in your mind, and a touch that can reach your very soul. It's also said that the White Sage never forgets a single soul and so wrongdoers best beware. [b][color=f26522]Personality:[/color][/b] Saha is rather... eccentric. Her demeanor is often uncharacteristically cheerful even in stressful situations making her appear reckless, dangerous, and even mad. Saha has one love, and that is knowledge, she lives to learn anything and everything. Her drive to learn new things is almost like an addiction. She is not without compassion, however, as she is actively using the knowledge she gains to benefit society. Beneath the zeal of her unending thirst for knowledge Saha is a loyal friend and defender of gods-given rights. She has a strong belief in the equality of all sentient beings and never ignores those in need. Those who know her well heed her counsel and respect her wisdom. Her intelligence is undeniable but generally undervalued due to her quirky attitude. Saha is also strongly opposed to the idea of murder and will do everything to avoid a situation where such an act is necessary. This is not to say that she avoids conflict but rather makes every effort possible to avoid taking a life. [b][color=f26522]Skills:[/color][/b] [list] [*][b]Master Alchemist:[/b] Having spent years in the pursuit of alchemy Saha has accrued a vast amount of knowledge from books, other alchemists, and her own experiments. [*][b]Master Martial Artist:[/b] Having learned from many different instructors and utilizing her understanding of anatomy Saha has developed her own style of Martial Art that is without question her most valuable combat skill. Saha took it upon herself to learn this skill in order to adhere to her principals without leaving herself defenseless. Though not particularly strong she is lightning quick and precise in her movements. [*][b]Expert Powers of Deduction:[/b] Having spent many years in solitary study, Saha has honed her mind to better understand the world around her and infer, with great accuracy, many things about the world around her. [*][b]Expert Herbalist:[/b] Although not particularly her field of expertise, it's congruency with alchemical principals made it an easy skill to pick up over the years. [*][b]Expert Cook:[/b] Cooking is basically alchemy with edible materials Saha found it easy to translate her knowledge in order to make tasty meals, and who doesn't like tasty food? [*][b]Journeyman Sailor:[/b] All Nobility living in the city of Mercator have been taught to sail although she lacks the stamina and experience of a proper sailor. [*][b]Journeyman Weave Magic:[/b] Focused mainly on utility spells as they have the most practical applications Saha thought that they might be useful in practicing her alchemy. [*][b]Apprentice Horse Riding:[/b] As a Noblewoman she was expected to ride horses and despite having some experience as a rider she is not particularly skilled. [*][b]Apprentice Jeweler:[/b] Manipulating soft metals through the use of alchemy is a small effort for a master alchemist although she lacks the artistic skill to make anything other than basic jewelry. In fact all of the jewelry she wears was hand crafted by herself. [/list] [b][color=f26522]Combat Flaws:[/color][/b] [list] [*][b]Swordplay:[/b] Although she fully comprehends the physics and mechanics of swordplay she has never cared for, or had the aptitude, to use a sword effectively. She is at the level of an apprentice despite having the benefit of a court appointed Swordsman Instructor. [*][b]Marksmanship:[/b]Like with swordplay she understands the mechanics of it but never cared for the bow/crossbow or even tried to use one. [*][b]Not Into Sports:[/b] Being a woman of knowledge, Saha doesn't take much time out of her day to exercise and as a result is about as strong as the average milk maid. [/list] [b][color=f26522]Personality Flaws:[/color][/b] [list] [*][b]Alcoholic:[/b] Saha's drinking habits are legendary. Her thirst for drink is only second to her thirst for knowledge. In fact, there are several legends pertaining to a certain 'white witch' drinking up an entire bar in a single night. [*][b]Boundaries:[/b] She understands the concept of social boundaries, however, she regularly ignores them in order to learn about people. Although this isn't meant to be invasive or rude it often appears to be just that. [/list] [b][color=f26522]Magic Spells:[/color][/b] [list] [*][b]Atollo:[/b] Essentially telekinesis via magic. While it easily moves small objects around larger objects like, a man for example, wouldn't feel more than an aggressive push. The reason being that the spell translates a portion of the users physical strength in order to move the targeted object. [*][b]Igni:[/b] To put it plainly, fire. You won't see Saha tossing firebolts around with this spell but the ability to create fire from nothing has many other practical uses. That being said, Saha is particularly fond of using Igni in conjunction with wine to 'spit flame'. [*][b]Lux:[/b] Creates a ball of light which can be held in her hand or float freely in the air. The light will remain where she put it until she leaves the area or dispels the magic. [*][b]Visus:[/b] Sharpens the vision giving the user greater visual acuity. This spell requires a great deal of concentration and is generally ineffective when performing any other tasks. [/list] [b][color=f26522]Abilities:[/color][/b] [list] [*][b]Legendary Memory:[/b] As a woman who strives to learn everything, having a perfect memory is possibly the greatest gift Jergal could have bestowed upon her. Although, this does mean that Saha remembers everything, the good and the bad. [b]--Picture Perfect:[/b] Essentially Saha has a photographic memory which may not sound all that legendary until she tells you what clothes you were wearing on a Saturday afternoon when she passed you on the street six years ago and then proceeds to describe to you the species of grass you were walking on, the breed of dog that urinated on the building next to you, and the number of sacks of grain in the cart that passed you by. She can also recall every face of every person that has ever died in front of her. [*][b]Legendary Immunity:[/b] Perhaps a certain kind of poetic reward for having cured a plague, Saha's own immune system is practically iron clad. [b]--The Picture of Health:[/b] Deep Magic has made her practically invulnerable to most diseases, toxins and poisons. Her body bleeds less, heals faster, and only the most fatal substances are lethal in large doses. This unfortunately also means that she is incredibly resistant to the effects of alcohol and must consume gratuitous amounts to feel the full effect. Saha has theorized over the possibility that the aging process has been halted as a result of this but since the only way to prove or disprove her theory is to wait and see if she dies of old age Saha isn't in a rush to find out. [/list] [b][color=f26522]Backstory:[/color][/b] Traditionally the House of Xephos are scribes and scholars spending days on end pouring through ancient texts and philosophical journals. Saha, however, is a bit... different. Born on the first moon of may to Aleko I (age 50) and Mira (age 46) Xephos, Saha is the first daughter of the House Xephos with an older brother (Aleko II, age 30) and a younger sister (Kana, age 25). It was raining heavily as it often does in Negotia and Mira had spent fifteen hours in labor before delivery. Fortunately there were no complications and Saha was born with a beautiful head of jet black hair, as is the trademark of the house Xephos. She spent much of her childhood at her family estate never caring to venture outside. She learned to read at an early age to prepare her for what they expected would be a career as a scribe like the rest of her family. At first her life as a scribe seemed inevitable but Saha started to learn about other trades as well. More and more her thirst for knowledge grew, she spent days studying everything she could get her hands on. Having been born into privileged household it was a simple matter for her to acquire reading material, not to mention her father is the Grand Archivist of Negotia. It wasn't until she reached the age of nine that she first discovered alchemy and all it's wonders. The idea that by practicing an art she would constantly be learning more was greatly appealing to her. Her parents encouraged this fascination, believing it to be a passing phase. They assumed she would simply go to the next subject once her curiosity was sated but year after year she kept on. By the time she was twelve her parents realized that this was no phase and that their daughter had discovered a passion for alchemy. It was then that they requested an instructor to come and tutor Saha in the ways of alchemy. She apprenticed under the Master Alchemist Zanora Inglebard, renowned in Negotia for her work in medicinal alchemy. Sadly a year later Master Inglebard returned to her homeland leaving Saha to study on her own. Shortly after her Master's passing Saha was studying in the courtyard of their estate and discovered a blue bird that had died. Having lived a sheltered life until then Saha had never encountered death. Even if it were only a bird, to Saha this was something grotesque. She decided to try and revive the bird using alchemy but nothing worked. For hours on end Saha tried and tried to bring back life to the small bird until she had exhausted all of her knowledge. She sat there with the bird in her hands, and wept at her failure. It was then that her mother found her with all manner of potions and mixtures strewn about the ground. Mira embraced her daughter and spoke. "You did everything you could my love. Everything dies in the end and that's why life is so precious. There's only so much of it we can have until our time is up. Life is a gift, sweet Saha, cherish it always." These were perhaps the most profound words ever spoken to her and they drive her still today. Soon after these events Saha started her study of the Martial Arts. Learning the arts was a way of making her feel capable of protecting the lives of those who couldn't defend themselves while reducing the possibility that she would be taking away another precious life in the process. It was empowering to possess this kind of skill and soon she devoted almost all of her time to mastering Martial Arts. Saha trained with Masters from all over the world, learning about their different philosophies and absorbing their techniques. After several years of training she was finally deemed a master by her peers. Later at the age of 16 Saha discovered that her beautiful jet black hair was starting to fall out at alarming rates. Apparently a brew she had been using to smooth her skin was causing unnatural hair loss. To a noblewoman this was simply unacceptable and so Saha promptly discontinued her use of the brew and set out to create a hair growth potion. For six days Saha stayed in her father's study working on the potion. On the seventh day she emerged from her isolation. She had succeeded but at a price. On her head was an enormous mane of long silky hair that reached the small of her back, unfortunately the process had drawn all of the color from her hair. Instead of the jet black hair of a Xephos Saha now had a full head of silken hair white as snow and with the lack of jet black hair Saha was now, ironically, the black sheep. Her hair remains silken white to this day and is now a trademark in most of the legends pertaining to her. Now at the age of 21 Saha has grown into a young master of both alchemy and martial arts. Rumors of a white haired drunk have begun spreading and a new sickness had been discovered. The disease spread quickly through the capital and many people were blaming it on the gods. Saha knew better and together with the court's Royal Alchemist Chezuro work began on a cure. It was hypothesized that the disease at first was only transmitted via physical contact and so many peoples were quarantined for everyone's safety including their own. The disease quickly became a plague as it had festered in a large population center near the main shipping docks of the capital city. It's effects on the human body were extremely volatile. Those infected were slowly dissolved from the inside out, blood would spill from their mouths in the earlier stages which later progressed into spewing their innards onto the floor. Perhaps most unfortunate was that Royal Alchemist Chezuro had contracted the disease after being spit on by one of the afflicted. It was then that Saha realized the disease was transmitted through bodily fluids and that the plague was causing the afflicted to evacuate their fluids in order to spread the disease. This fact alone meant that the plague was an entirely different disease than she had first thought. This revelation came too late, however, as the death of Royal Alchemist Chezuro caused the situation to escalate. Citizens started accusing random people of having the plague, anyone with even a slight cough was thrown into the quarantine, looting was a regular occurrence, and many citizens were demanding that the afflicted be burned along with the quarantine zone in order to eliminate the plague. Soon the quarantine zone had become just as necessary to keep the citizenry out as it was to keep the afflicted in. Many alchemists started selling 'miracle cures' at exorbitant prices to desperate citizens who then tried to break quarantine in order to save their loved ones. In this time of turmoil trade had come to a standstill for the first time since the great civil war almost two hundred years prior. It took Saha six weeks to finally find a cure in the most mysterious of places. The cure she found was a mineral alloy which, when ingested, rendered the disease inert and harmless. All citizens were summarily given a dose of the cure be they afflicted or not and all articles of the afflicted were burned to eliminate the threat of a plague reasserting itself. Many of those who had survived the plague still live today in what was once the quarantine zone, which is now called the Black Ten District. Many of the residents still tell stories of the white haired angel that gifted them life and put an end to the suffering. The ordeal taught her perhaps the greatest truth she would ever know, knowledge is power. In recognition of her achievements Saha was made the new Royal Alchemist for the court of Negotia. She has served dutifully in the Royal Court ever since, although she still spends most of her time on intellectual pursuits.