[center][i]He just sighed and lowered his head. Though it shouldn't be, but it was completely believable that she wasn't listening to him or taking the time to comprehend what he was saying and why.[/i] [color=royalblue]"There lies a part of the problem, it's your ego. One day it will get you killed, it almost got you killed today. Are you fine with meeting her after the negotiations are over. I've done enough begging today, but I will beg once more. Let me do this, let me prove myself to Shima and help me save the people of Ru. I'm not as strong as you, I'm not as durable, I can't support and heal people like Kenji, but I know that I can speak, I know that I can persuade others. If I fail tomorrow then I won't say another word and take myself out of all future decisions and follow whatever you all think is the best course of action."[/color] [i]There was absolutely no way that these two could stand side by side and speak in harmony with one another at this current time. Sending them both or sending anyone else, for that matter would only complicate things. The entire group couldn't agree on anything, so why would they be able to agree this subject. He had no problem with them meeting her, he planned on introducing the group to her so she would know who they all were.[/i][/center]