Phoenix saw the gun, and realized his manipulative tactic. Narrowing her eyes, she realized that this one was smart, more manipulative than most. Any villain who relied on cunning over his physical attributes was to be treated with much caution. She lowered her left hand to her side, and her right from its placement on the hilt of her sword. Folding her wings back, relaxing them slightly, Phoenix took a step towards Dean. Her body language was strong and dominating, but she did not seem to be actively on the offensive. She spoke softly, trying to give him a second chance. However kind and merciful her words and tone, her accent was still harsh. "I do not want to take him to prison, nor do I want to take you to prison. To my knowledge, you are merely aiding and abetting a criminal, whose acts are out of a twisted perspective of the world rather than out of conscious evil. Neither of you should spend years locked behind bars without a chance to change. I want to offer you that chance. Please, allow me to help you. Put down the gun, and I promise, I will let you go free if you so choose." She spoke quickly, ignoring his query about her sword. That information was public domain- a simple internet search of her would bring up the news articles of her acceptance of the sword from the mayor of her city. Her eyes, masked behind her helmet's cover, were focused on his gun. Approaching him slowly, she consciously tried to engage him in the conversation, knowing now that he valued his brains over anything else. Her marine corps training had not just focused on brawn, as tactics and strategy were just as important, if not more so. Though it was discouraged to negotiate with terrorists, Rose believed that she should give this mere boy a chance. "I cannot, however, give you your freedom if you pull that trigger. Even if you believe that his death would be a better choice for him than his redemption, killing someone who has no choice in the matter is murder. Put down the gun." She was now only a meter away from him, having taken small, gradual steps to approach him.